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    Default Newbie Wet Shaving

    Hey everyone. I don't have a SR yet, but I am wanting to start wet shaving. Right now my only shave prep/cream/after shave I use is just goop out of a can. So I know that going from using the razor that I use right now, with what I'm doing, to a straight razor and a wet shave would be a HUGE transition. To that end I want to go ahead and start doing a wet shave. Any comments/criticisms/help would be greatly appreciated. Right now my shopping list looks like this:

    A stainless steel brush stand, for a SR and shaving brush
    An Escali 100% Pure Badger Shaving Brush
    Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Shaving Cream Bowl, 5.3 Ounce
    Taylor of Old Bond Street Pre-Shave Oil (Sandalwood)
    Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Aftershave

    The only reason I was going with Taylor of Old Bond was because I was wanting to keep the scent the same. I wasn't certain that if I used different scents that it would just become a bad blend together.

  2. #2
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    Welcome to SRP!
    Fudoushin Bujinkan Dojo
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Most soaps only smell while your using them. Okay I said most and really don't know that for sure but, The ones I use (Mama Bear's) smell great and loud , until I rinse my face. Then I use some pricey after shave or cologne with no interference from the soap. Except that 1 time I used ARKO :<0) It's not a bad idea going the way you did and you have time to try things out for yourself. What straight are you looking to get ? Choose wisely and remember (truly) shave ready is the important part.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 10Pups View Post
    Welcome to SRP

    Most soaps only smell while your using them. Okay I said most and really don't know that for sure but, The ones I use (Mama Bear's) smell great and loud , until I rinse my face. Then I use some pricey after shave or cologne with no interference from the soap. Except that 1 time I used ARKO :<0) It's not a bad idea going the way you did and you have time to try things out for yourself. What straight are you looking to get ? Choose wisely and remember (truly) shave ready is the important part.
    I'm actually not certain. I need to do A LOT more research. I can't go too expensive (thinking I could maybe spend like $150 right now... and upgrade later when I can afford it). The other problem is the feel of the straight razor. I mean, it's one thing to look at them online, but I really wish that I could hold and feel the SR before I bought one.

  5. #5
    Senior Member JTmke's Avatar
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    You may want to try different scents for your soap and aftershave at first just until you know what you like. They should not conflict. I am not a fan of sandalwood as most are just glad I only tried the soap before I knew.

    If you are going on a budget you could skip the preshave as well. You can't go wrong with a kit from SRD. Soap, better brush, bowl, strop, free honing, and best of all a truly shave ready razor for just around your budget. The Dovo best or Ralf Aust 5/8 and some courage and you will never buy another plastic razor.

    "The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas." -Linus Pauling

  6. #6
    Senior Member Gehring9006's Avatar
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    I switched to a SR about 8 months ago and as JTmke has said...I'll never buy another plastic razor! If you want to ease into it go ahead and buy your soap and brush first and use your cartridge razor. I wouldn't bother with a pre-shave anything while using a cartridge razor (to me - it just seems to clog it up). If you look around a lot of on-line vendors (Maggard Razors/SRP) offer sample size pre-shaves/soaps/creams/after shaves for not a lot of money so you can try a bunch. That way if you don't like it you don't have a lot invested in something you wont use.

    You didn't mention a strop in your list and there are many options. I purchased a package deal from Superior Shave that included everything (except software (soap)) and I was very satisfied. The strop that was supplied was a hanging strop that worked and was perfect for a beginner like me; however I recently purchased a modular paddle strop from SRD and I would highly recommend that strop to any beginner. Its a little more expensive but I believe you will learn how to properly strop much quicker, you will be able to maintain your razors sharp edge better and when (not if) you mess up, you can just get another pad for not a lot of money.

    Since I started using a SR I have accumulated a number of new and vintage razors. For a first razor I would go with a new one (no worries about razor condition). All my razors are good and do the job, but a couple are just a little better than the others. For new razors I feel my Thiers-issard (TI) Bison (from SRD) gives me the closest and most comfortable shave. There are other TIs that fall into your price range that would work just as well (but is not as fancy!).

    Regardless of the razor you buy take your time and do your research, watch videos, search this forum for answers to your questions and remember to stretch your skin so you are shaving the flattest surface possible, pay attention to the angle and pressure of the blade and know where the toe of your razor is at all times. The best tip that helped me through my learning curve when I started was to use the blade of the razor to remove the lather. This will keep your pressure light and your shave comfortable.

    Have Fun!!

  7. #7
    Senior Member Gehring9006's Avatar
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    I forgot to mention my favorite scent line-up is Taylor of Old Bond Street Jermyn Street - bath soap, pre-shave gel, shaving cream and aftershave cream! Works great for sensitive skin and smells great (IMO)!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gehring9006 View Post

    I switched to a SR about 8 months ago and as JTmke has said...I'll never buy another plastic razor! If you want to ease into it go ahead and buy your soap and brush first and use your cartridge razor. I wouldn't bother with a pre-shave anything while using a cartridge razor (to me - it just seems to clog it up). If you look around a lot of on-line vendors (Maggard Razors/SRP) offer sample size pre-shaves/soaps/creams/after shaves for not a lot of money so you can try a bunch. That way if you don't like it you don't have a lot invested in something you wont use.

    You didn't mention a strop in your list and there are many options. I purchased a package deal from Superior Shave that included everything (except software (soap)) and I was very satisfied. The strop that was supplied was a hanging strop that worked and was perfect for a beginner like me; however I recently purchased a modular paddle strop from SRD and I would highly recommend that strop to any beginner. Its a little more expensive but I believe you will learn how to properly strop much quicker, you will be able to maintain your razors sharp edge better and when (not if) you mess up, you can just get another pad for not a lot of money.

    Since I started using a SR I have accumulated a number of new and vintage razors. For a first razor I would go with a new one (no worries about razor condition). All my razors are good and do the job, but a couple are just a little better than the others. For new razors I feel my Thiers-issard (TI) Bison (from SRD) gives me the closest and most comfortable shave. There are other TIs that fall into your price range that would work just as well (but is not as fancy!).

    Regardless of the razor you buy take your time and do your research, watch videos, search this forum for answers to your questions and remember to stretch your skin so you are shaving the flattest surface possible, pay attention to the angle and pressure of the blade and know where the toe of your razor is at all times. The best tip that helped me through my learning curve when I started was to use the blade of the razor to remove the lather. This will keep your pressure light and your shave comfortable.

    Have Fun!!

    Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely look at getting some different samples. I actually was able to smell some Taylor of old bond sandalwood pre shave and I really liked how it smelled.

    Ill definitely have to look at the strops too. I feel like I'm looking through all these posts and it starts to all run together a little bit... Especially when I read like 15 different opinions from 10 different people.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Java's Avatar
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    When you first start, doing the research is half the fun! Why not get the soap and the brush now, and learn to use them with your current razor while you're looking?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Java View Post
    When you first start, doing the research is half the fun! Why not get the soap and the brush now, and learn to use them with your current razor while you're looking? that you mention it... I actually just got my shipment in. I got in the aforementioned stand, brush, shaving cream, and aftershave. I didn't get a mug because that still confuses me and I don't know what to get... So... I'm using a ceramic cereal bowl right now. (Cause I'm classy like that haha)

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