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Thread: Mistakes and What Not to Do.

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    No cuts for me in quite awhile, ever since I put away, sealed in a tomb, covered with Hex symbols, my Cursed Double Duck's causes the Earth to rumble occasionally, but it won't cut me again!!!
    Sounds like you need my address. I can promise it will never harm you again.

    I got a lateral cut on my chin the first week. Sometimes I chicken out and grab my electric for my mustache.
    Amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic!

  2. #12
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcbladescar View Post
    I got a couple of old scar bumps that I'm managing to get flattened out

    So true. Sad part is that I can do very well with them for weeks and once I do nick one it takes at elast a few days (or longer) for it to heal well enough that I can shave over/around it and not have it catch the healing area. Sometimes I just take a few days off and let me face have a nice vacation before going back to the daily routine.
    SteveTheCanuck likes this.
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveTheCanuck View Post
    The styptic pencil is my friend. As I said earlier, the problem area for me is around the edges of my mouth. My coping strategies have been the usual facial contortions including but not limited to the following which I've named according to the way they make me look:
    1) Upper Puffer Fish
    2) Full Puffer Fish
    3) Amazed Otter
    4) Sideways Duck Face
    5) The Bubba Gumpface
    None of them are completely effective
    I find that the Big Mouth Bass works well for around my lips. Haven't nicked them yet and that's even ATG
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  4. #14
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    I have only been shaving with a SR for about two weeks and I have had a few nicks also. The last one was on my upper lip which got slightly infected ? so I had to lay off for a couple days. I still have to take it easy on the same spot. Still using mainly right hand but I am trying to work the left into the mix. Tough. My main problem is trying to figure out how to arrange the blade with my hand to shave where I need to get to.

  5. #15
    Senior Member aa1192's Avatar
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    I got a bad nick on my chin the other day due to inattention. It took a bit to heal so I spent some time with my DE to make sure I didn't reopen it. I think the worst was near the start of my career when I hit my earlobe on a spike. The nastiest blade I have is an extra hollow ground spike that drinks blood like Dracula.... actually now that I think about it; that Genco drinks my blood, sleeps in a coffin, and never sees sunlight.
    SteveTheCanuck likes this.
    Razor rich, but money poor. I should have diversified into Eschers!

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