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Thread: Thank you Lynn Abrams

  1. #1
    Member 430pat's Avatar
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    Default Thank you Lynn Abrams

    Hi, from Connecticut,I am a new guy to straight razors and have to admit am a bit of a perfectionist (OCD actually)
    so I decided that if I am going to use straights I need to know how hone, and what better guy to learn from than the guy that makes all the videos and premier honemiester in USA. So out of the blue I send him an email telling him I want to fly out to Missouri and if possible spend a day or two getting instruction on how to hone. Very promptly and graciously he told me to come on out,told me where to fly into and a list of hotels. I am excited and looking forward to this experience. Flight and hotel booked see you in September.

    It truly is a pleasure dealing with SRD and stand up people like Lynn Abrams

    Thank you again

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to 430pat For This Useful Post:

    Lynn (07-21-2014)

  3. #2
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    430pat, welcome to SRP. If it wasn't for OCD I think this would be a rarely frequented forum. I do envy you the opportunity to have a one-on-one session(s) with Lynn. I have been learning to hone by two different mentors via email and while they are exceedingly explicit in their letters nothing can beat face-to-face instruction. More power to your learning curve, I don't think you need encouragement to go at this any more logically than you are doing.

    Keep up the good work and please remember that if you don't find it in the wikis and other posts, ask, ask, ask! That's what we are here for.
    430pat likes this.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  4. #3
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 430pat View Post
    Hi, from Connecticut,I am a new guy to straight razors and have to admit am a bit of a perfectionist (OCD actually)
    so I decided that if I am going to use straights I need to know how hone, and what better guy to learn from than the guy that makes all the videos and premier honemiester in USA. So out of the blue I send him an email telling him I want to fly out to Missouri and if possible spend a day or two getting instruction on how to hone. Very promptly and graciously he told me to come on out,told me where to fly into and a list of hotels. I am excited and looking forward to this experience. Flight and hotel booked see you in September.

    It truly is a pleasure dealing with SRD and stand up people like Lynn Abrams

    Thank you again
    I've met Lynn and I can say you want find a better person anywhere. He's a great guy and instructor. If it wasn't for him I would be using a throwaway again. I can also say the guys at SRD are great guys also. I'm a little older that some and not very good with computers. Called them up and they were more than helpful.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to rhensley For This Useful Post:

    Lynn (07-21-2014)

  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    You're lucky to be able to afford that. You can never beat one on one training as it is the best you can get. His video is next best. Good luck!

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