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Thread: First shave observations
07-22-2014, 05:19 PM #1
First shave observations
OK, full disclosure. Its not exactly my first SR shave, but it is my first attempt to complete both sides of my face with a SR.
- My attempts to hone with an antique stone have been less than successful so I looked for hone services locally (Kansas City area). Found a knife sharpener who claimed familiarity with SRs but I still think that my razor is less than shave ready. Sent a message to a local who posted hone services in SRP classified but never heard back from him. Any suggestions for local hone services in the greater KC area would be welcome). I would prefer to work with a local just so I can avoid the mail an endless questions from my wife. (She doesn't share my enthusiasm for my new shaving and razor restoration hobby)
- Started with the right side of my face and had no real issues. Today I went left side but found myself using my right hand and steadying it with my left. I know this is bad form but it felt comfortable and left me w no bleeding
- Been using my strop with both linen and leather (no CrOx) and think (hope) my technique is actually sharpening the blade. I may need to send a video of my effort to a mentor for evaluation and critique (Is that possible?)
- Ive been starting each shave with the SR but usually finish up w a DE. Still have problems on my chin.
- I'm a cyclist so I shave my legs in the summer. Its a great way to practice just handling the razor and it provides a chance to bond with my 17 yo daughter
Last edited by BWP1474; 07-22-2014 at 08:33 PM.
07-22-2014, 05:54 PM #2
Question do you mean SE (single edge) or SR (Straight Razor)? From your description, I assume it's a SR. There must be someone near you, but I'm not sure who. I'm sure they'll jump in.
No you can't post videos, but you can post links to youtube videos that you upload. However, I think it's probably just easier to watch your own video and see how it compares to those of Lynn, gssixgun and others that are online.Just call me Harold
A bad day at the beach is better than a good day at work!
07-22-2014, 08:37 PM #3
07-22-2014, 09:20 PM #4
I share your pain with a lack of spousal enthusiasm. My wife also does not understand. Lol.
Anyway, I strongly recommend getting honing services from some of the senior members here. The mail can be a bit of a kill joy for your hobby when the wife gets involved, but you also don't have to give her all the details
In the end these guys have honed thousands of razors and their expertise really shines over someone who is "just familiar" with a razor.
Take a look at some of Lynn Abrams videos on you tube. It will really help. From shaving technique to building a lather. Watch them many times over and really let it sink in.
Next, be patient, and practice. It may take a while before it "clicks" or until you figure out what techniques work for you.
Know when to stop. If it's not going well and you are getting frustrated, stop. Nothing good ever came of frustration and a razor against your neck.
Don't be embarassed to touch up with the DE.
I shave two to three times a week and it took me a solid half a year before I got my first good complete shave.
I imagine shaving your legs or body for athletic purposes would definitely help, but intheend your face is very different. The hair is coarser and grows in different patterns. Watch Lynn's video on SR shaving and watch the techniques. Angles and skin pulling. Really pay attention to what he says.Last edited by Sic4531; 07-22-2014 at 09:23 PM.
"Try something the old way every once in a while. The only reason you are on this planet is because someone struggled and strived to do something you take for granted."