I too have been struggling like crazy with this, and have been following this thread with keen interest to work out how to do it. I am not able to use my left hand for much, despite having had my right arm in plaster twice (broken elbow and carpal tunnel problems). I tried it once with my left - it felt so unsteady, and I nicked myself.

I had a epiphany this morning though. The razor has a heel too!!! Though I was already using the heal quite effectively on the right side of my face, just next to my goatee, I had not considered using the back edge of the blade on my left cheek.

Just hold the razor like normal, as you would be doing the right side of your face, but with the heal of the blade against your ear. It actually happened naturally - whilst I was concentrating on the shave in that "zen" way that I am sure everyone here associates with - my hand sort of did it automatically. I had to stretch the skin whilst pulling my ear out of the way that involved some left hand contorions, but it worked!!!

Probably will bring sighs from the pros... I guess whatever works for you works though