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Thread: "Shave ready" and ready to shave

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitstik View Post
    My question would be... did you strop the Heljestrand after your first shave or even before your second. I don't think that it is a matter of the razor being shave ready seeing that your first shave went smoothly but a matter of not prepping the razor for the second shave. You didn't mention anything about stropping so this is what I am drawing my conclusion from. You were being a little over optimistic by doing your whole face right out of the gate. Check the Wiki and Library for first time shaving tips.
    When I got the razor I could only shave the hairs on my arm by using a bit of pressure and by repeating the motion back and forth. But after I stropped it a good 50 times on linen and 100 times on leather the hairs came off effortlessly. So I just assumed that the razor was honed but not stropped.

    I only shaved once with the straight (one pass WTG) and then used my DE a couple of days later (this is when it got messy).

    Sideburns and lips (upper and lower lips) are pretty much fine. Jawline, chin and neck didn't really get to taste the straight, since I finished these parts using my DE. The cheeks took it badly, though.

    And yes. I realized that. But hey, now I really know.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostinhk View Post
    Wow, just wow.

    After rereading your post a few times, how come you didn't stop when half your face was bleeding (just a guess based on the picture)? I have no idea how your felt fine after that shave but raw with the DE later. You are definitely a bigger man than I am to have finished that straight shave.

    From my own experience, it looks like the razor just pulled the hairs out. No cutting whatsoever. The razor from SRD will actually shave you but you should still expect to feel raw. The raw feeling is from poor technique. The bleeding was from the dull edge.

    I think you need to get a milder DE razor to use while learning the straights. This way you can still shave while your skin continues to heal between straight shaves. It took me 6-7 straight shaves to finally not get that raw feeling.

    From reading the forums many times, you will learn not to trust the term 'shave ready' from unknown sellers. You should always test it first before taking it to your face.
    The thing is that my face wasn't bleeding, more than the occasional weeper. So I don't know. What I do know is that I'm sometimes too stubborn for my own good (stupid, really). So I assumed that the rawness I felt was due to my face not being used to a straight razor and to me being inexperienced when using it.

    That's good to know, about the rawness. Since I probably will feel less inclined to continue if I start feeling raw again, considering how I look right now. I just need to know the line between raw because of not being used to a straight, and raw because of scraping off all the skin in my face.

    That's also a good tip. Though I have to wait a whíle before I can fund a new DE. I'm probably going to invest in new blades though (I'm using Feather blades atm), to see if that can smooth things out.

    Haha. I don't think I need to read the forums to not trust the "shave ready"-term after my little adventure. But I get your point!

  3. #13
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Bergstedt, A hot shower won't interfere. Use a cold water facial rinse before you lather and make your lather with cold water. A cold water rinse after shaving helps tighten the pores up and is refreshing.

    As for Mentor in your area, I haven't spotted any but there are a number of SRP members in Stockholm. Among them is a MrMagnus. Young, but an experienced SRP member. Has good knowledge and I'm sure would be more than happy to help you achieve your goal. Send him a PM and see how it goes. And keep us informed of your progress.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Just to add to razorfelds comments, you can store all your lather making equipment in the fridge, a cold bowl and soap helps to keep the lather cold.
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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    Bergstedt, A hot shower won't interfere. Use a cold water facial rinse before you lather and make your lather with cold water. A cold water rinse after shaving helps tighten the pores up and is refreshing.

    As for Mentor in your area, I haven't spotted any but there are a number of SRP members in Stockholm. Among them is a MrMagnus. Young, but an experienced SRP member. Has good knowledge and I'm sure would be more than happy to help you achieve your goal. Send him a PM and see how it goes. And keep us informed of your progress.
    Ok, great. Thanks. Also a question regarding pre-shave oils/creams: do I apply them between every pass as we'll, or only for the first pass?

    Thanks! I just did.

    And yes, I will. That's half the fun: the exchange of info and knowledge.

  6. #16
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Pre-shave is just that, only before you lather. And make sure that you are using as little pressure as possible on the razor.
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    Pre-shave is just that, only before you lather. And make sure that you are using as little pressure as possible on the razor.
    Ok, great. Thanks.

    Will do!

  8. #18
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    Bergstedt, i had similiar experience with Straight. I started shaving in march, and similiar places of "irritation" was due to incorrect angle and pressure. With such a sharp instrument, i was simply slicing my face.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForkrulAssail View Post
    Bergstedt, i had similiar experience with Straight. I started shaving in march, and similiar places of "irritation" was due to incorrect angle and pressure. With such a sharp instrument, i was simply slicing my face.
    I've come to understand that they're some of the most frequent problems. Have you managed to solve your irritation issues?

    I haven't shaved since last, since I sent my razor out for honing and haven't received the Ralf Aust 5/8 that I ordered from SRD yet. But angles and pressure are definitely on my watch list for my next SR shave.

    I'm going to shave with my DE tomorrow, and have planned a little beard mapping session until then. I hope that will help, as well!

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bergstedt View Post
    I've come to understand that they're some of the most frequent problems. Have you managed to solve your irritation issues?

    I haven't shaved since last, since I sent my razor out for honing and haven't received the Ralf Aust 5/8 that I ordered from SRD yet. But angles and pressure are definitely on my watch list for my next SR shave.

    I'm going to shave with my DE tomorrow, and have planned a little beard mapping session until then. I hope that will help, as well!
    Yes. Practice.

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