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  1. #1
    Carpe Jugulum custommartini's Avatar
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    Default Letting it soak in

    Hey all,

    I read FUD's thread about truck stop shaving (that just sounds uber something Justin would be into...) and decided to try something different.
    I lathered up my whole face and shaved my neck (and got all five hairs there) and sideburns/cheek. Then I rinsed those areas and reapplied lather and went for the second pass on those area only again.
    Then I rinsed and reapplied lather to my upperlip and chin (third layer of lather there) and finally took the blade to it. The results were astounding, I had a much easier time shaving the brillo pad fibers I call hair.
    Hopefully it wasn't a one time thing. Just thought I'd share in hopes that it helps someone else.

  2. #2
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    Do you mean you rinsed your face off or just the razor, before applying the next round of lather?

  3. #3
    Carpe Jugulum custommartini's Avatar
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    oh, I see how it could be confusing. I rinsed my face, but left the lather on my upper lip and chin to let it surround my hair with moisture.

  4. #4
    Junior Member bark's Avatar
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    For a couple of my fledgling attempts to conquer those problematic moustache and chin areas, I did the opposite: I first shaved (kinda, sorta, tried to shave ) those two areas thinking if I did them first, my concentration would be better and consequently the results would also be better. Didn't work. I'm trying your way next. Thanks for the tip.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by custommartini View Post
    oh, I see how it could be confusing. I rinsed my face, but left the lather on my upper lip and chin to let it surround my hair with moisture.
    Thanks for the clarification. One more question - while your shaving your neck, and leaving the lather on your upper lip, do you find it dries out before you apply the next coat?

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