Still owing the pics, but wanting to update this thread.

Sharpened (yeah, old 500 grit stone. Fine honing ones were just too slow) it, honed it, and stropped it. Prior to that: Some phosphoric acid and lots of elbow grease to get rid of rust, as much as possible. With strong loupes (a 6 or 8mm TV lens actually) you can see a polished edge except for one or two places where rust lines are still there (very tiny, I must say; unnoticeable when shaving).

Being shaving with it since about ten days ago. Still in the learning slope, as I still find this shave less perfect than the disposable three blade ones. But haven't hurt either. Even if I shave as I was doing previously (commercial aerosol can of soap spray, no brush).

Haven't gone through as tidy as suggested in the tutorials ("shave only one cheek for a few days, then start with the other one, ..." and such). I am not so patient!

Will get the pics and update soon!