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Thread: Suggestions on hones

  1. #21
    Aggressive Shaving Addict DickWhitman's Avatar
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    Default Suggestions on hones

    ChefKnivesToGo has a cheap diamond lapping plate for 30 bucks. Chosera 1k for 65 on a uk site. Norton 4/8 on SRD. Nani 12k there as well. That's all you'll need for a while for around 200 bucks. If the Nani 12k is too pricey, check out the various PHIGS or an Imperia Roccia on fleabay ($30-40).

    Once I learned how to get a good edge off the 8k and some CrOx laps on canvas strop, I felt proficient enough to buy the Naniwa 12k.
    Last edited by DickWhitman; 08-31-2014 at 05:47 PM. Reason: forgot one

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DickWhitman View Post
    ChefKnivesToGo has a cheap diamond lapping plate for 30 bucks. Chosera 1k for 65 on a uk site. Norton 4/8 on SRD. Nani 12k there as well. That's all you'll need for a while for around 200 bucks. If the Nani 12k is too pricey, check out the various PHIGS or an Imperia Roccia on fleabay ($30-40).

    Once I learned how to get a good edge off the 8k and some CrOx laps on canvas strop, I felt proficient enough to buy the Naniwa 12k.
    That's a good price on the lapping plate. That is where I bought my flatbed hones.

  3. #23
    Aggressive Shaving Addict DickWhitman's Avatar
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    Yeah it's a 140k too

  4. #24
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    If you are maintaining razors that were pro honed I would first get a CrOx pasted paddle and a Barber hone, then later a Norton 4k/8k. If you get to the point of needing to set the bevel (ebay or antique store razors) then I would ad a 1k stone. You can always ad a finishing hone to the mix (Escher, Coticule, C12k, synthetic etc)

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