Everyone has hit the key points - both stay off of ebay, Larry at Whipped Dog and think about a DE.

If you are interested in the DE you can ask around Dubai about the Indian Grocery/General Goods store. You should be able to find almost everything locally if you want to try a DE with a little searching. If you go the DE route the shaves will improve, the costs go down and you will have the soap/cream, brush and that DE to do clean up when you decide to learn how to use a straight razor.

Another option in Dubai would be the Korean markets. In addition to DE gear you might find a CJB 101 or one of the other Feather Clones and Dorco or Feather Blades. No need for a strop or blade maintenance.

Shavettes are also an option, using 1/2 of a DE blade. Not as comfy as a SR IMHO but works in a pinch. Many of the Barber/Beauty supply stores carry them. Barber shops are another place to look. I found DE blades in Jakarta by asking the barber at the Mall for instance.

Many of the DE blades we all use are made in India and Egypt (and Turkey and Russia and...) so what you need may not be that hard to find. And searching will give you and excuse to find other things... Arko soap for instance is Turkish. It has a cult following in the wet shaving world.

A hint...don't ask for a Boar brush...you might find synthetic...

Let us know how it goes...

Smooth Shaving...