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Thread: New Member from Indy

  1. #1
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    Default New Member from Indy

    Hello Everybody,

    I just gave up and ordered my first real straight razor after trying many shavettes. I started four years ago with a cheap Lord safety razor then moved to an Edwin Jagger DE two years later. I love the feeling that shaving at home gives me, just the way I like, I learned how to make straight lines and shave nicely. Couple of months ago I started growing a moustache and I found out that my DE doesn't take good care of his new friend "mr.moustache" so I decided to buy a shavette, I got Parker, after two weeks I got a Dovo Shavette, three weeks later I got a Weck Sextoblade, last week I got feather artist club and today on a good deal I got a real Dovo straight razor

    I spent around $300 now, but from my experience with shaving, this can last for five years at least.

    I'm sorry, my first language is not English and my writing is bad, but hey my shaving is great

    I'm looking for a honemeisters here in Indy anybody?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member BDRebel's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum. It looks like you are already on your way, possibly even have already come down with a slight case of R.A.D. (Razor Acquisition Disorder), of which there is no known cure (as if anyone wanted to be cured?)

    And your English is probably better than mine

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard. Your English is excellent so no worries there. If you bought the Dovo used, you might want to send it off to Lynn, gssixgun or one of the others advertising honing services in the classified here. The better ones of course are the ones mentioned but I'm sure any of the others would be ok. Congrats on the Dovo! I don't know of anyone in your area but you did the right thing by asking or there are groups you can join if you are in their area, if not, start your own.
    Last edited by engine46; 09-15-2014 at 07:36 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member HaiKarate's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. Has it been honed or just a factory edge. If the factory edge you will want to get it honed. Check out the classifieds for someone to do it. Good luck
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  6. #6
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndyGo View Post
    Hello Everybody,

    I just gave up and ordered my first real straight razor after trying many shavettes. I started four years ago with a cheap Lord safety razor then moved to an Edwin Jagger DE two years later. I love the feeling that shaving at home gives me, just the way I like, I learned how to make straight lines and shave nicely. Couple of months ago I started growing a moustache and I found out that my DE doesn't take good care of his new friend "mr.moustache" so I decided to buy a shavette, I got Parker, after two weeks I got a Dovo Shavette, three weeks later I got a Weck Sextoblade, last week I got feather artist club and today on a good deal I got a real Dovo straight razor

    I spent around $300 now, but from my experience with shaving, this can last for five years at least.

    I'm sorry, my first language is not English and my writing is bad, but hey my shaving is great

    I'm looking for a honemeisters here in Indy anybody?
    Welcome to a great place to learn and enjoy. Lou M a former Hoosier ( Ft Wayne)
    One tired old Marine- semper fi, god bless all vets

  7. #7
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum!

    Personally, I would master that Feather while having a look at the "Local Help" listings: Local Help - Straight Razor Place Library to see if you could possibly meet up with any of those gents who could help you with your straight.

    Easier said than done when excited and raring to go lol - but yeah, definitely make sure that Dovo is honed correctly. The difference is night and day. Again - welcome.

  8. #8
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Welcome to the forum!

    Personally, I would master that Feather while having a look at the "Local Help" listings: Local Help - Straight Razor Place Library to see if you could possibly meet up with any of those gents who could help you with your straight.

    Easier said than done when excited and raring to go lol - but yeah, definitely make sure that Dovo is honed correctly. The difference is night and day. Again - welcome.
    That's a good point because out of the three new Dovos I have purchased, none were shave ready when they arrived
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    One tired old Marine- semper fi, god bless all vets

  9. #9
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    Thanks gents, I've been reading around here since couple of months and finally decided to say Hi. thank you for all the information, and efforts you're putting in here to save this lost art. It's good to know that I've R.A.D. beside my H.A.D (aka Harley Acquisition Disorder)

    I got the Dovo new from a lady who bought it from The Art of Shaving couple of years ago for her bf, but they broke up before she gave it to him. The razor comes with a strop, Ivory shaving brush and shaving brush stand . So yeah, I think it'll need be honed before I use it. I've heard about Lynn and checked out his website yesterday, he's not far from where I live, I think I can send it to him. Also, there is a fancy barber shop downtown, I might ask them if they can hone it for me.

    Thanks again for your advices, greetings and compliments !
    earcutter and Slawman like this.

  10. #10
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndyGo View Post
    Thanks gents, I've been reading around here since couple of months and finally decided to say Hi. thank you for all the information, and efforts you're putting in here to save this lost art. It's good to know that I've R.A.D. beside my H.A.D (aka Harley Acquisition Disorder)

    I got the Dovo new from a lady who bought it from The Art of Shaving couple of years ago for her bf, but they broke up before she gave it to him. The razor comes with a strop, Ivory shaving brush and shaving brush stand . So yeah, I think it'll need be honed before I use it. I've heard about Lynn and checked out his website yesterday, he's not far from where I live, I think I can send it to him. Also, there is a fancy barber shop downtown, I might ask them if they can hone it for me.

    Thanks again for your advices, greetings and compliments !
    Warning Will Robinson - Warning!

    Seriously, I love the local guys. So much so that even though I can do my own blades, I gave buddy downtown who has a fancy barber shop a shot just for the heck of it... Dude... .

    On a positive note - sounds like you got a great set! I liked those Art of Shaving sets.

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