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Thread: Another first shave thread...

  1. #1
    Member HappyOne's Avatar
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    Default Another first shave thread...

    So today was the big day.

    I have been looking forward to trying a straight for a while now. I really enjoy the experience and results with my DE razors so using a classic straight blade must be the best, right?

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    I ended up getting a 7/8 Brandonisio and Bros. Uno. I started with a 6/8 round point in the cart for $55 but changed when I realized that if I take to this, I likely wouldn't use the razor and if I didn't, it would be harder to get my money back out so...I went for the gusto. The blade on the 7/8 doesn't look or feel too big on my face. No regrets there.

    Mike sent it shave ready with strict instructions not to stop before the first use so I had one less thing to learn before shaving today and wasn't concerned with the condition of the blade. I took my time and did about 3/4 of a shave before I bailed and finished with a DE. A couple of small nicks and a small patch or redness but I am still in one piece.

    A few observations:

    - I found the process of holding and moving the razor really awkward. Coming down from the sideburn was the most comfortable but still awkward. I think the advice of practicing with a butter knife might go a long way to helping build a comfort level. I am definitely going to try that.
    - I tried to keep the angle shallow and went very slowly. At first I noticed that most of the lather was accumulating on the underside of the blade but as I spent more time with it, the lather started to be on the top/outside of the blade.
    - I also noticed that quite a bit of the time the blade seemed to stick to my face. I was moving it very slowly and was rather nervous of cutting myself so I wanted to concentrate on the feel of the blade on my skin so I could react quickly to anything that felt like a cut.
    -I had passes on both cheeks, under the nose, my chin and neck. I was on an ATG pass up my neck when I felt it was time to stop. The areas that I had shaved were still a bit rough so I did a pass with my slant to finish up. In retrospect, I think Lynn's advice of starting with one cheek and just doing that until you get comfortable and then building from there might be the best idea. That is my plan of attack now.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. It sounds like your doing fine, got your head on straight. Don't forget to stretch the skin and remember your not trying to scrap off the whiskers just glide across the skin and get em at the bottom. You'll get it !
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  3. #3
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    You survived putting a blade to your throat for the first time. That's a good start and it gets better and easier from here, the nerves will settle down after a few shaves.
    You are doing the right thing going slow and cleaning up with your slant, in a few months you probably won't need the slant.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Sounds like you got a fair bit done for your first try so im sure some more practice and you will be fine. It's just a matter of learning to shave this way. Good luck
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    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Great news, glad it's going ok.
    Lather on the underside would be the blade edge not contacting, and the stickiness could be many things, the first that comes to mind is too dry a lather, and skin stretching ( or lack of).
    Sorry for the short reply am at work.
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  6. #6
    Member HappyOne's Avatar
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    Day 2, shave 2

    Prepping on the stop seemed more comfortable today and it made all the right noises.

    Today I went down from the sideburn on both sides plus a bit of the cheek. The strokes were smoother and more confident. I think that knowing that I was just going to do a little bit of the shave helped me feel more confident. Right hand on the right side: left hand on the left side. No cuts or weepers. I got a bit of burn on the left side but not the right. Working the right side was much more comfortable, (I am right handed). Shave wasn't real close but I finished off the other areas with my DE and did my usual XTG and ATG passes with my DE so, in the end, it was BBS.

    I spent some more time re-watching Lynn's videos last night and also practiced a bit with a butter knife. Baby steps,
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  7. #7
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    Welcome to the club . . . and yeah, the biggest thing I've learned in my journey so far is patience and comfort. If it feels awkward, just leave it for a bit - it'll come around shortly. I'm three weeks into my journey and I used my DE this morning to clean up one little patch I had trouble with below my nose (wanted to keep my nose attached to my face, so didn't attack it with the straight . . . ). But just think through it and take your time! Good luck!
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  8. #8
    Member HappyOne's Avatar
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    Day 3: A little smoother. Still just below the sideburns and part of the cheek. I forgot to stretch the skin on the left side and the results showed it.

    I am having difficulty seeing what I am doing coming down from the sideburns, with the razor and my hand in the way. I turn my head to the side a bit but it still seems like I am taking a bit of a "leap of faith" until the blade makes contact with my face.

    I have noticed a few small dark spots on the razor, are those water spots? Will they polish up with some metal polish?
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  9. #9
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    Good going with the straight razor! Yeah, it is a bit like a leap faith sometimes but it is sort of like driving your car. You can't really see the corners of your car, but you can sense where they are. Those water spots will clean up with polish but I wouldn't really worry about doing that until your razor needs honing. You will just need to be better at preventing them in the first place. Don't get water in the pivot point and completely dry your razor after using it. Keep it up, it will get easier.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by HappyOne View Post
    Day 3: A little smoother. Still just below the sideburns and part of the cheek. I forgot to stretch the skin on the left side and the results showed it.

    I am having difficulty seeing what I am doing coming down from the sideburns, with the razor and my hand in the way. I turn my head to the side a bit but it still seems like I am taking a bit of a "leap of faith" until the blade makes contact with my face.

    I have noticed a few small dark spots on the razor, are those water spots? Will they polish up with some metal polish?
    Are you using your other hand or trying everything with just the dominant hand? I will say, I tried for about 30 seconds with only my right hand before switching to use my left as well . . . so much easier! Takes a bit of practice, but honestly, three weeks in, I am about 60/40 with right/left, and honestly, feel like my left is at least 80% as effective as my right even in the most awkward spots (and the "easy" spots it is as good if not better).

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