Whatever you do, don't buy a gold dollar!!!!! They are worthless. Buy you a Dove or a Boker. That will be your best bet. If you buy the kit from SRD, Lynn will hone it for you for free plus give you a certificate for a second honing for free. The kit is best because it comes with a strop but you will first need to learn to strop. You can do so by going to the Library & you will find it in there but don't get in a hurry, take your time learning how to do it. One wrong move on the strop & you will dull your blade & you will have to send it out to get it honed again. You will probably want to buy you a 2nd straight razor for when you send one out to be honed, you will have one to shave with. Later after you learn o hone you can invest in some good stones & learn to hone. There are videos in the Library for that. Sit there & watch them over & over again until you feel confident, then you can try & hone!