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Thread: Week 3 with straight razor

  1. #1
    Member Batsmurf's Avatar
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    Cool Week 3 with straight razor

    After 3 weeks and a getting a good hone on my razor, I have figure out why i was having such trouble. Believe it or not I was not holding the blade with to little of angle moved my angle just a hair steeper and it cut thru the hair around my chin bulb(my biggest trouble area) with ease. I am not saying I have a perfect shave by any means but I have defiently made progress. I am getting a pretty good shave in about 20 minutes instead of an hour and the quality is far greater than when I started, I am happy enough with my shave I do not have to do a last pass with a safety razor. I am exstatic about that. A couple more weeks and I may throw those crappy things out all togather. At any rate I just wanted to thank all those who have encouraged me and given me advice, patience and time with experienced advice has really paid off.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Aha moments are great.
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  3. #3
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    I just posted nearly the same thing just before you! I am about 5 weeks in and had the same experience. I was using a really shallow angle to reduce the potential for irritation. Once I stepped it up a bit, I had better results. I might not have much experience either, but at least our results correlate!

    This place is very fun. It's nice to see so many people having the same experiences.

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  4. #4
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Well done and good to hear the excitement!

    The angle is a funny thing. Constantly we say and read about a very shallow angle, but I know on some areas of my face (esp jaw line) the angle is much steeper than what is often recommended. Like everything, experimentation is the key.

    Be confident and throw those crappy safety razors away right now; you don't need a safety net, you won't fall.

    If you must, get a nice cheap vintage DE razor for touch ups. They're much cooler than some plastic thingy...
    edhewitt and Batsmurf like this.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quite right carl, sometimes my angles are pretty high too.
    Batsmurf, i am glad it is coming together, it took me quite a while to get it right.
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