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Thread: Some irritation

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrmln View Post
    Currently just using a VDH soap that came in a set my wife gave me
    Never used VDH but quite a few on here do. It could be that you are not getting the best lather that the soap can give you. Soaps are harder to learn how to create a good lather from than creams are. In either case if you get the lather right it goes a long way to reducing irritation. Going to a cream might make a difference being easier to lather.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  2. #12
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    Well I'm going to give jack black shaving cream a try for my next shave. It was that or the art of shaving at my local store. The art seemed way overpriced for a very small amount. Once again I'm just waiting for my beard to grow out so I can shave again.

  3. #13
    Senior Member AlienEdge's Avatar
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    If you are getting little pimples you maybe contaminating your blade with something. Wipe your strop with a moist cloth to get dust and other partials off you might not be able to see. Strop that razor on some linen after honing to get any lose micro partials of metal off they might cause a pimple.

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