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Thread: trouble creating lather

  1. #11
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    When it looks like you have too much water--runny, thin, huge air bubbles--don't add soap again too hastily. Some creams and soaps like this stage, and will whip up wonderfully with a couple of minutes of rapid brush-action. (C.O. Bigelow is a prime example.) Swirl it into the brush, then slap it out of the brush, swirl in, slap out, etc.

    Won't work for all soaps, but again, don't just give up when it looks too wet and sloppy. Whip it good!
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  2. #12
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    I also relatively new to all this so I know your pain as well. For me it ended up that I wasn't loading the brush with enough soap. Just passing the soap under water to leave the top moist did help a good amount, having to much water on the soap caused problems. Load the brush with more then you think you need, I was using way to little at the start. Also I almost always tend to get decent size bubbles in the lather when I first add more water when I start to get close, takes about a good 30-45 seconds but they normally work there way out for me and then I have something that's ok.

  3. #13
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave851 View Post
    I also relatively new to all this so I know your pain as well. For me it ended up that I wasn't loading the brush with enough soap. Just passing the soap under water to leave the top moist did help a good amount, having to much water on the soap caused problems. Load the brush with more then you think you need, I was using way to little at the start. Also I almost always tend to get decent size bubbles in the lather when I first add more water when I start to get close, takes about a good 30-45 seconds but they normally work there way out for me and then I have something that's ok.
    You nailed the description . Could not have said it better. Well done
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  4. #14
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    I scanned through the replies to your question and see you got a lot of good responses. I did not read them all thoroughly so if this has been mentioned I apologize but have you tried any creams instead of pucks? I too had the same problem and found it much easier to get that lather on a regular basis with creams by Taylor of Old Bond Street, Truefitt & Hill, D.R. Harris, etc....I am able now to get a good lather with good pucks (like Mitchells Wool Fat) but it still takes me longer, as it may most people, to get that lather going with a puck as opposed to using a cream
    BanjoTom and BobH like this.

  5. #15
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    If you are starting out on hard soap, you will have a longer learning curve. Use a soft soap or a good crème until you get it then move into the hard ones
    BanjoTom likes this.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member Walterbowens's Avatar
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    +1 on all the above post!! You also need to look at the water quality. Hard water takes alot more soap and water to whip a good lather. Try some quality bottled water, and see if it is easier to make a good lather, if so you probably have hard water. Good Luck!!
    MJC likes this.
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  7. #17
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    Sorry, on mobile device

    I do have hard water. I. Am using a soap Puck. Not sure brand because it was given to me by a user on this forum and I already wore out the brand insignia on the Puck. I haven't tried cream yet.

    When I keep whipping for 2 minutes without adding anything. The soap tends tto dry out eventually. I looks like the soap disapates in the bowl and then looks dry and sticky. My water gets very hot from the faucet.
    Last edited by metulburr; 11-20-2014 at 10:42 PM.

  8. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Soap getting sticky is a give-away for very hard water issues. get some bottled water and try with that. There are just a few variables to good lather. Quality soap, quality water, the right soap water combo and the correct amount of twirling. You just have to play with those and some can change with the soap you are using.

    Some make the mistake of thinking lather should be like gillette foamy and most manually made lather is nothing like that. There are some creams that are but most are thinner because they lack all the air the canned goo have. If you get a good shave you have the essentials. You just play and improve from there.
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  9. #19
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    thanks, i will try that

  10. #20
    Senior Member Crackers's Avatar
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    Yeah I had problems with puck soap when I first started, go to the cream and see how that goes, it was a lot easier form there. I have a puck I am buggered if I can get it to lather properly and have accidently bought a second of the same soap so will have to learn now. The hot water soak the puck pour water off then use brush on softened soap helped me a stack. Good luck with the hard water though.
    A good lather is half the shave.

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