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Thread: ups and downs....

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I shaved every day for at least 50 years,thats pushing 20K shaves,nice to be able to take a break
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  2. #22
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    OP - why not try a few experiments with different preparation. Go the whole hog with a pre-shave and hot towels and a known quality soap. Make some notes as to what you used and what affect it had - including which particular soap you used. After 18 months of regular use I would have thought you should be getting more consistent results than you appear to do.

    One final suggestion - just in case your stropping is not quite as good as you think, try a shavette (or preferably Feather type razor), this should give you some indication as to whether your razors are as good as can be.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member quicksilver's Avatar
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    I'm like you, i just can't let go of my DE. I love it too much. The same goes for my straight though, sometimes my DE just won't do.

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Only time I have fun shaving is when I have at least a 6 day old beard to take off
    Oh boy that WOULD be fun. I don't think I made it to a full 2 day growth except maybe one time only. I saw a video where he took off a 4 month beard with a straight and that looked like a blast! If only I could put them down for that long.
    Last edited by Steel; 12-09-2014 at 05:30 PM. Reason: Because
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    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  5. #25
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    Well then, I'm able to now get BBS most days now, I'm sure it's the prep and obviously practice. I've been SR shaving for about a year now.
    I shower then use Proraso pre shave make the lather then use a very hot towel for about 2 minutes. First pass WTG second pass XTG and third pass ATG. Couldn't do ATG for about six months but suddenly it clicked and the angle of the blade started to work for me.
    It's funny but things do change over time, tried to shave with a razor I'd honed at the beginning of this experience and although I have shaved with it before and thought it was ok it must have been about 6 months ago. This morning pulled really badly compared to razors I've recently honed, thought this was great because now I can tell when a blade isn't right. Tested it with the TNT and sure enough the bevel wasn't quite there just re-set the bevel re-honed 1K through to 16K Cr Ox linen then leather I'll try again tomorrow but even now I can tell it's just about right this time.
    Also after someone suggested it on here I now keep a note of each razors honing history this reall helps to keep track of things when you've got about 50 blades!! Although some will be going in the New Year.
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  7. #26
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    I shaved every day for at least 50 years,thats pushing 20K shaves,nice to be able to take a break
    I understand.
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  8. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel View Post
    Oh boy that WOULD be fun. I don't think I made it to a full 2 day growth except maybe one time only. I saw a video where he took off a 4 month beard with a straight and that looked like a blast! If only I could put them down for that long.
    What I Find hilarious, is some of these SR shaving vids people post with no visable whiskers
    I want to hear my blade, and feel it doing the deed
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  9. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yea, I shave every day and hear, feel and see my razor taking whiskers off. Been shaving daily for 45 or so years and am going into my 5th year of retirement. A straight razor shave is a great way to start the day. Some days the shaves are great and others not so great but always relaxing to do and something new to learn.

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