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Thread: The Gift of Giving

  1. #1
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Default The Gift of Giving

    Gentlemen, today I learned the true meaning of giving. Giving doesn't always have to have a monetary value to it. There are some things more special then any dollar amount. Today at two separate times I got two of my best friends into straight razor shaving. I never had someone to help me out other then the very helpful members of this forum when I started shaving with a straight, so it felt awesome to give guidance and pointers to them because I wish I had someone I could physically talk to and learn from. Hell it would still be nice to have that now. Anyways my first friend I gave a razor, strop, soap and brush and some basic pointers before he had to go. Some hours later my other friend came by and he wanted to learn. I spent about 4 hours teaching him about various things. The different parts of a razor, a strop, how to make lather, (we actually took a trip to WalMart so I could point out some cheap things to start with) and some other various aspects of shaving. The blade angles, how to look after the blade, the importance of properly drying the blade. The list goes on and on. I stayed with him the whole hour and a bit while he shaved and gave him pointers. I watched his first straight razor blood shed. At the end of his shave he dinged the razor off the sink and left it with a nice little dent in it. I took the time to hone it back up to shave ready for him before I sent him on his way with a smile, a razor, a strop, some basic knowledge and the opportunity to enjoy something for the rest of his life. Man let me tell you that I now know the meaning of you can give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, you can teach a man to fish and he'll eat for the rest of his life. I didn't ask for any money from them and I don't think I'd accept even if they offered. I wanted them to get the feelings of joy and satisfaction that I get every time I bust out the razor and have an epic wet shave. The season of giving is here. This literally made my day because I didn't plan any of it. Just thought I'd share this with you guys.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to s0litarys0ldier For This Useful Post:

    edhewitt (12-15-2014), Steel (12-15-2014), whitelightning (12-15-2014)

  3. #2
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    That's what I've been talking about! This forum of ours is an unseen force of self realization. For some undecipherable reason I have learned more about myself through the pursuit of wet shaving and advising others on a good way of shaving. Scott, what you have done, a reflection of what other SRP members have done, will impel others to do the same. Hopefully we are creating a global Pay It Forward movement.

    I was given kudos the other day. Let me say kudos to you for you taking the time to help you friends.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  4. #3
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    It's a true story, I just joined SRP today. He did seriouly supply me and teach me everything i needed to know! And yeah i did ding the razor off the sink right after I was done with my first shave (as i was cleaning it off) And he honed it up nice and clean! Got to say thanks a ton!
    BobH, eddy79, edhewitt and 2 others like this.

  5. #4
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitelightning View Post
    It's a true story, I just joined SRP today. He did seriouly supply me and teach me everything i needed to know! And yeah i did ding the razor off the sink right after I was done with my first shave (as i was cleaning it off) And he honed it up nice and clean! Got to say thanks a ton!
    Not everything you need to know. Your journey has just begun.
    Steel likes this.

  6. #5
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitelightning View Post
    It's a true story, I just joined SRP today. He did seriouly supply me and teach me everything i needed to know! And yeah i did ding the razor off the sink right after I was done with my first shave (as i was cleaning it off) And he honed it up nice and clean! Got to say thanks a ton!
    First and foremost; Welcome to an older but better way of shaving! It's a long strange trip but well worth the journey

    I'm very pleased that you have someone close to help you out. I work with a young man aged 17 who wants to learn. I have a razor for him and a 2" SRD strop donated by another member and he's going to pick up the basic beginner's brush/cup/soap kit and I'll get him started on this coming Sat morning.

    Oh! About the ding! You got lucky as it could have been either a large chip or a chunk that happened & neither are easy to fix and sometimes non repairable.

    I won't hijack this thread so for those that do follow this link! DO NOT POST ABOUT IT HERE!!!! Post at the thread!
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

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