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Thread: From all of us to all of you

  1. #1
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Default From all of us to all of you

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    Once again the end of the year and Christmas are bearing down on us like a speeding freight train.

    Some time ago, a member asked me what the purpose of our forum was. He felt that all “these” forums just showcase the business aspirations of a group of people involved in running the forum. I told him he had no idea what a treasure he had before him. When I started straight shaving these sites did not exist and even places to buy supplies were few and far between. I had to figure all this out by myself and I still have the scars to prove it.

    This site is the original. It is the trailblazer so to speak. Our founder Lynn Abrams started it all.

    Here in one place you have a treasure trove of information and guides and videos as well as the ability to communicate directly with our experts. I doubt many of our members realize the degree of expertise that resides here. Many of our staff and mentors and senior members are some truly skilled folks be it in razor fabrication or restoration or honing or even razor history and lore and other associated skills. You can learn much from these folks and they are eager to share. I would name them but there are just too many.

    So back to the original question, what is the purpose of this site? It’s to preserve and advance the entire wet shaving universe with emphasis on straight razors. It’s all about you the membership. Without you the site would not be here. The staff considers all of our members to be kind of an extended family or fraternity. Tired of talking shaving? There is always the Parlour to kick back and have an interesting discussion.

    The staff continually labors away trying to improve the site and the New Year will see many improvements I think you will find exciting. Have a recommendation? Check out that forum and express your ideas.

    The entire staff of SRP would like to thank all of you for being members and participating in the discussions and if you are a lurker take that step to formally join. Everyone, no matter the skill level or knowledge or lack of it can contribute and get something out of our site.

    The staff wishes you and your families have a very merry Christmas and a most happy, healthy and productive New Year.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. The Following 26 Users Say Thank You to thebigspendur For This Useful Post:

    ChopperDave (12-25-2014), ecormier (12-21-2014), evnpar (12-26-2014), Geezer (12-21-2014), Grazor (12-25-2014), HARRYWALLY (12-25-2014), Highwayman (12-21-2014), Jimbo (12-20-2014), JimmyHAD (12-20-2014), JoeSomebody (12-22-2014), Lynn (12-20-2014), lz6 (12-24-2014), markbignosekelly (12-27-2014), MikeB52 (12-30-2014), MJC (12-25-2014), Obie (12-25-2014), OCDshaver (12-26-2014), Ozarkedger (12-21-2014), Raol (12-21-2014), Razorfeld (12-21-2014), samda (12-21-2014), sharptonn (12-20-2014), str8tlkr (12-26-2014), Substance (12-26-2014), vasquja (12-31-2014), wayne394 (12-26-2014)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Thank you Big,A great post
    Geezer and Highwayman like this.
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to pixelfixed For This Useful Post:

    Highwayman (12-21-2014)

  5. #3
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    Recent member and straight shaver. Much appreciation to all of you. Have helped greatly and continue to do so. Cheers.
    Geezer and Highwayman like this.
    "Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong."-Thomas Jefferson (Notes on Virginia, 1782)

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to dmnc For This Useful Post:

    Highwayman (12-21-2014)

  7. #4
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    Many thanks to the founders, administrators and contributors to this site. Keep up the good work and happy holidays to all.
    Geezer, Highwayman and Marshal like this.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to DustySuds For This Useful Post:

    Highwayman (12-21-2014)

  9. #5
    Senior Member Highwayman's Avatar
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    May your holidays be merry and may the New Year find you and yours healthy and happy.
    Geezer likes this.
    -Slow is smooth, smooth is fast-

  10. #6
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    Amen to that thebigspendur. I for one, thank you all that makes this forum what it is, a treasure trove of information, help if needed, and a wonderful group of people with a common interest. Merry Christmas to all and a big God Bless to all too. Whomever that may be to you and yours.

    Geezer likes this.

  11. #7
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    A sincere thank you to all the staff and membership in our community. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and enjoy special time with your families during the Holiday season!
    Geezer likes this.

  12. #8
    Senior Member Cobre's Avatar
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    Merry Christmas to all the brothers of the blade!
    Filarmonicas fanatic, please call me Carlos

  13. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I can only imagine what the transition from disposables to a straight razor was like just a few years ago. Now with the advent of the internet finding soaps, scuttles, bowls, brushes, strops, razors, and hones is fairly simple. But if you had to rely on brick & mortar stores around here you'd easily be left in the cold. I doubt seriously that any place around here has carried straights or wet shaving supplies in decades, unless you count the occasional old/rusty antique shop find. Well, you might be able to find Shavettes and related equipment in a salon or beautician supply store, but I for one won't set foot in those. It would be like being lost at sea with no map or compass and only a vague idea of the destination lol. And the technique, again you'd be on your own unless you could find an old barber that was still in business and willing to show you a thing or 2.

    Me and my face are quite grateful you folks are here to disseminate your knowledge, and preserve it for future generations that have yet to discover the folly that is the disposable razor. Thanks to you folks, it was a smooth and (relatively) painless transition from modern razors to a straight. I've learned to shave with, strop, and hone a razor from here. Every time I check the forums I learn something new. I think it's safe to say the forum is fulfilling it's mission statement. For that, I am most appreciative.

    Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year!
    Last edited by Marshal; 12-25-2014 at 02:18 AM.
    lz6 and Geezer like this.

  14. #10
    Boker Fan wayne394's Avatar
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    Merry Christmas to all Mods and members! This forum is a God send. I couldn't have made the move to straight razor shaving so easily without all the help and advice available (although my newly developed RAD is costing me a fortune). I specifically want to thank celticcrusader (Jamie) for going the extra mile and helping me personally. What a true gent! Long may the forum continue. Love it!


    PS... If any of you have a Boker you want rid of, I know a man who might help take it off your hands!!
    Geezer likes this.

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