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  • 4 Post By jmercer
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Thread: Overlooking the obvious… the light comes on

  1. #1
    Member... jmercer's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Overlooking the obvious… the light comes on

    I am heavy handed, a known. Got some great advice last week here. "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Thanks Razorfeld. Along with this and a ton of other great advice, thanks everyone, I was still having trouble with razor burn after a year. I decided to analyze my whole process from pre-shave to post-shave but yet again. I spent a career doing very dirty work and became accustom to scrubbing the piss outta myself to get clean again. I do a nice long hot shower often emptying the hot water tank and start scrubbing at top of my bald head then down to the bottom of my feet. I start with hair shampooing & rinse then I use a facial/scrub/defoliant & rinse and then continuing with full body scrub then rinse then dry and start shave routine.

    OMG!! - - - - DING! DING! - - - - Ding! Ding!

    I cannot believe I over looked the face scrubbing part.

    I stopped that and sure enough no burn now after three shaves. I even feel like trying to shave again the next day.
    I still have a long ways to go yet but loving every minute and it just keeps getting better.
    gugi, Geezer, Trimmy72 and 1 others like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Glad you figured it out, NO pain No gain right LOL
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    It hurts when I do this Doc. "Stop doing that".

  4. #4
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    jmercer: I did the same thing at first, now I only use Noxzema to wash my face and nothing else. My face never felt so good.
    Anthony1954 and jmercer like this.

  5. #5
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    +1 on the Noxzema, bought a tub after reading about it on here, not a fan of the scent (medicinal, and that's being kind!!) but have to say leaves my face feeling great. Even SWMBO has noticed so it must be good!
    jmercer likes this.
    One of the greatest gifts is to impart wisdom through experience.

  6. #6
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    I used to use a facial scrub weekly when I still used cartridge razors. Carried the habit with me when I went DE and suffered periodic irritation. Binned the scrub and used milder products to wash my face and less irritation occurred. From there, I was able to correct pressure issues that caused either brush burn or razor burn.

    +1 on Noxzema. Neutrogena bars work well for me also. But at the top of the charts for my skin is Musgo Real GLO.
    jmercer likes this.

  7. #7
    Member... jmercer's Avatar
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    For a follow up.

    I've been a long time user of Nivea Creme and their after shave balm so in tune there, thanking you and, have gone back to them as I learn straights.

    With my heavy handed-ness my new creed now is "Shave the Lather". It is working for me finally argh. Got a ways to go though with my knarly old weathered face but I'm over the major burn from heavy handedness and "pre-defoiled face". Har!

    I'd love to see more of the pro straight users shave their lips and chin.

    Inquiring minds need to know.
    ChopperDave likes this.
    Shave the Lather...

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Sometimes it's the simplest of things.
    jmercer likes this.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman7 View Post
    It hurts when I do this Doc. "Stop doing that".
    Hey doc, every time I drink my coffee I get a sharp pain in my eye.

    Doc: Did you take the spoon out of the cup?

    Redcane and jmercer like this.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  10. #10
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    Lips and chin = slow and easy!
    I've got a slight depression on the bottom of my chin, always a problem. Somebody said "choose your battles carefully", sometimes I'll just leave it alone. "If it ain't broke, don't cut it"!

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