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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default First Full Face Shave

    Took the plunge this morning. I had made a few trial passes on my cheeks over the weekend mostly to test the sharpness of the razor (Vintage H. Boker Red Injun, round point), so today, I was ready to go. Two passes, WTG and XTG. The razor cut smooth with no drag or pulling, but I still need to work on my technique around the chin and jaw line and on the upper lip, where things were not as close as I would like. Probably need a little better soap than the Williams Mug Shave I have used for years with my cartrige razor as well.

    But, I managed to pull it off without any major cuts, in fact nothing that required a styptic pencil.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
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    wow man --good for you--i cut my self pretty bad when i first started--right now i am getting used to using a "real" blade as opposed to a disposable straight edge razor

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