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Thread: Chromium Oxide or Diamond Spray?

  1. #11
    Senior Member RedGladiator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy79 View Post
    Maybe a good question then is what type of blade d you like. Really sharp and keen, slightly more mellow and a bit softer? What type of edge do you want.
    Well I'm currently using feather professional blades in my feather DX. I've had around 20 shaves. The first 3 shaves are too sharp and harsh then after that the sharpness is about right. Only blades I've tried.

    I suppose I want smoother and bit softer than the AC pros.

    I think I'll stick with the diamond spray 0.5 micron for now since it comes with the paddle. Can always buy some CO later I suppose.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedGladiator View Post
    Well I'm currently using feather professional blades in my feather DX. I've had around 20 shaves. The first 3 shaves are too sharp and harsh then after that the sharpness is about right. Only blades I've tried.

    I suppose I want smoother and bit softer than the AC pros.

    I think I'll stick with the diamond spray 0.5 micron for now since it comes with the paddle. Can always buy some CO later I suppose.
    Sounds like a sound plan. Try out the .5 micron at first for performing refreshes on the edge and see how it goes. I have the SRD modular paddle and I am happy with the .5 micron spray that comes with the paddle. When you do get the razor shave ready you will not have to worry about the spray for awhile. You should touch up the razor only after you get a performance drop from the razor, meaning the razor does not shave as well as it did. At first, you should really be focused on getting your stopping technique adequate enough to maintain the edge for awhile. Again, the diamond spray will serve you well. Perhaps, a member in your area can help with a comparison by refreshing your edge with chromium oxide if you wanted to compare. This might save you some money and headaches. I personally like the .5 and find .25 a bit too much. You mind can start reeling from all the choices you have at your disposal, so try to keep it simple, focusing on the basics of shaving technique and stropping.
    Last edited by Mephisto; 01-20-2015 at 03:30 AM.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    The diamond might be similar to the feather blades giving a slight harsh edge for the first couple shaves. Stropping the heck out of it will help so try the diamond with a really good strop session if you find it harsh. Good luck
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  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Actually… maybe.

    It depends on grit size of the Diamond, the substrate, number of laps and the condition of the bevel and edge prior to stropping.

    Many find Diamond too harsh, especially if a hard substrate or too much pressure is used, a common complaint with balsa.

    While Chrome Oxide is only .50um about 30k grit it can smooth much finer grit diamond paste. It is not just about grit size but grit shape.

    For example .50um diamond will leave a much different finish than .50um CBN.
    Chrome, Cerium and Ferrous Oxides are good for smoothing/calming and edge as are CBN.

    Diamond .50um is a good refreshing paste for adding keenness, Chrome Oxide for smoothness.

    Make sure you buy quality Chrome Oxide and do not use pressure with any paste, you will roll the edge.

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