View Poll Results: Are you able to shave better or worse than I am?

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  • I can sahve like you

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  • No and I'm still woozy from blood loss. Call 911

    2 22.22%
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Thread: My boker straight is sharp enough to cut a held hair but I can't get a baby face shav

  1. #1
    Junior Member machv5's Avatar
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    Default My boker straight is sharp enough to cut a held hair but I can't get a baby face shav

    I bought a H. Boker tree brand razor from a friend about 9-10 months ago. Besides using a disposable on my chin the first time I haven't used any other razor but my straight since. I bought a vintage hone in August of last year and have learned to use it well enough to where I can hold a hair in my fingers and cut it with one swipe (and a ting sound). Also I can now shave 95% of the time without cutting myself and without having to use my free hand to stretch the skin. A shaving method I have seen in many old movies where the actor is shaving themselves and the scene isn't trying to make them look manly or such.

    I can shave to the point where it's almost baby smooth (after cold water rinse and 10mins after shaving where my face is post shave relaxed) and I still feel roughness that I didn't have when I used to shave with a mach (whatever it was 5 I think) and although I wasn't around (am 40yrs old at this writing in 2015) when the first Remington electric razor came out I remember seeing the retro revived comercial where buddy says "as sharp as a blade or your money back" and I have used a modern electric razor and it too shaved closer than I am able to with my straight. So either it's a case of mistaken memories or I am doing something wrong. In technique, sharpening, prep, other and or all of the above. Furthermore without actually going to an old school barber to have a straight shave (with one of those silly disposable straights) I won't have much of a yard stick to compare with. And btw my razor is hideously sharp I believe, and is capable of cutting skin with even the lightest of touches as I found out when rinsing off the collected soap in the bath once and tapped my leg by accident.

    I know I suck at stropping because if I use my hone for a few strokes and forgo the strop my razor pulls exponentially less than if I strop after or only strop. I also only shave 2-3 times a week * which is more than enough time for my razor to straighten properly. Also I don't think it is over sharpened and or developed a wire edge as I feel no resistance when drawing a finger tip from spine to edge **. I believe I have covered everything if not I guess I'll find out.

    Hopefully finding an answer to my problem

    * I still can't grow a full beard at 40yrs old and my facial hair is slow to grow

    ** I can never remember what is perpendicular etc... so any answers need to be in terms like I just used or it will end up in a clarification question type response from myself

  2. #2
    Senior Member Splashone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by machv5 View Post
    I bought a H. Boker tree brand razor from a friend about 9-10 months ago. Besides using a disposable on my chin the first time I haven't used any other razor but my straight since. I bought a vintage hone in August of last year and have learned to use it well enough to where I can hold a hair in my fingers and cut it with one swipe (and a ting sound). Also I can now shave 95% of the time without cutting myself and without having to use my free hand to stretch the skin. A shaving method I have seen in many old movies where the actor is shaving themselves and the scene isn't trying to make them look manly or such.
    Stop being lazy, get that free hand out of your pocket and stretch your skin. That is part of how you get a BBS.
    RezDog and Steel like this.
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  3. #3
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Is the hair hanging or is it held at both ends? The "ting" sound concerns me.

    Please describe your hone and your strop.

    Most importantly, have you read anything of the standard stuff here in this forum for beginners?

    Your best bet would be to compare the results you are getting from your honing with that done by someone with more experience. In other words, you should either have someone else hone your razor or you should buy another one that is properly honed.
    Euclid440 and machv5 like this.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

    Euclid440 (01-20-2015)

  5. #4
    Senior Member rlmnshvstr8's Avatar
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    I confer with splashone, if ur not stretching, ur hairs are not being raised so you can get that close shave you are looking for. Plus the direction you stretch will make a difference too. Stretch ATG to raise the hairs perpendicular to the skin. Stretching WTG, while will provide a smooth surface to shave on, it will lay the hairs down closer to the skin.
    A fool flaunts what wisdom he thinks he has, while a wise man will show that he is wise silently.

  6. #5
    Junior Member machv5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splashone View Post
    Stop being lazy, get that free hand out of your pocket and stretch your skin. That is part of how you get a BBS.
    I am not being lazy I can't hold the mirror and shave at the same time in the bath. And yeas I can see my face properly I dunk the mirror in the hot water so it doesn't fog.

  7. #6
    Senior Member Splashone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by machv5 View Post
    I am not being lazy I can't hold the mirror and shave at the same time in the bath. And yeas I can see my face properly I dunk the mirror in the hot water so it doesn't fog.

    Alright, this is so wrong in so many must be a troll.
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  8. #7
    Junior Member machv5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rlmnshvstr8 View Post
    I confer with splashone, if ur not stretching, ur hairs are not being raised so you can get that close shave you are looking for. Plus the direction you stretch will make a difference too. Stretch ATG to raise the hairs perpendicular to the skin. Stretching WTG, while will provide a smooth surface to shave on, it will lay the hairs down closer to the skin.
    Okily dokily will do. I have to shave tonight so will get back to you. As for what I am using. My razor is an H. Boker and co. razor. With square tip, slightly beveled spine barbers notch, mother of pearl on tang, and black celuloid scales (I think it's celluloid can't be Bakelite). The logo on the box dates from 1869-1900 which is pre Bakelite. plus a hot needle doesn't give off odor of cat pee like bakelite. It also wasn't bought online so I have no reason to assume that the box and razor are from separate sources. I use a Franz Swaty hone I recently bought via my local classified site, I also flattened properly (aka lapped it) with a 4000 grit arkansas stone, so it is flat. My strop is pitiful as I bought it on ebay for a few dollars and the quality of leather is one step away from being added to the ingredients in a pack of no name wieners. I have gotten a closer shave by going against the grain but it is both not much different and too a scary an endeavor to use on a regular basis unless I am feeling particularly brave due to my date being as attractive as Mila Jovovich.

  9. #8
    Junior Member machv5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splashone View Post
    Alright, this is so wrong in so many must be a troll.
    I am not a troll why would you think that? I will post pics of my razor etc.. if that helps.

  10. #9
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    How many passes are you doing?

    I started with one. This cuts the hairs, but it is not baby face smooth. This, i go with the grain. I go with this when i am rushing. I bumped it to two passes to get agaisnt the grain. This pretty much gets it baby face smooth for me. However just a week ago, i started doing 3 passes because i found a patch above my jaw that kept getting bypassed along with a spot on my neck and chin that require special attention. It would mess up my rhythm. So i just do all the "odd" parts on the 3rd pass. I think after a couple months i am now aware of "how" to shave my face to get it all baby smooth.

    At first i was particularly uncomfortable going against the grain. I cut myself almost each time. But i kept forcing myself to do it each time. It took me awhile to figure out how to do it properly. I still sometimes cut myself going against the grain, but now it only happens when i am trying to rush through the shave.
    Last edited by metulburr; 01-20-2015 at 02:43 AM.

  11. #10
    Junior Member machv5's Avatar
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    Red face pics just taken

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