That should get your attention. The following is why I should be named Turkey of the Week!

Yesterday morning, I just practiced my normal shave routine, not adding anything but being mindful of technique.

All went well, I thought.

So, i turned to my strop and gave the blade 40 round trips, my normal routine.

I turned back to the sink, wiped the blade, and then snapped it shut. OUCH! I wasn't paying attention to the position of my left hand (I'm right handed) and as the blade snapped shut, it sliced through the skin of my left index finger!

Blood everywhere! Luckily no artery or other serious thing was cut, but the pain and the blood took a while to stop. Of course, I felt stupid and was going to nominate myself for turkey of the day.

WAIT! There's more!

I said Turkey of the week, not day, didn't I?

Last night I took off the bandaid (actually the 2nd one as I had changed it) since I knew it was important to let air get to it.

This AM, I went to brush my teeth prior to shaving, and wrapped the floss around (you guessed it) my left index finger!

OUCH! I had forgotten all about the cut. It was now bleeding and in pain again. Now you know why I always buy Neosporin antiseptic with pain reliever in it.

Afterwards, I carefully went through the normal routine, being super careful and I did not add on anything since what happened yesterday and this morning.

Gobble, gobble!