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  1. #1
    Member addicted's Avatar
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    Default Edge refresh frequency

    This was probably asked before but I can't seem to find an answer.

    I feel that I need an edge refresh every 5 or 6 shaves. I have 2 razors I use and I need to refresh them every couple of weeks on .5 pasted strop. It does't really pull (or at least I don't feel it) after 5 or 6 shaves but I just don't get as close of a shave at that point.

    I've tried .25 but it doesn't seem to do it for me so I have to do 10 laps on .5 and then 10 laps on .25. Does that sound reasonable. I just want to make sure I'm not doing it too often thus ruining the edge or something like that.

  2. #2
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    You may need to return to a stone earlier than you might have expected but I think its reasonable to update it every 6-8 shaves. I find the .5 and .25 to be really mild action when viewed under a scope.

    Do you strop a little after the shave? And how many strokes do you strop before?

  3. #3
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Default Good topic!

    Having reached a stage of learning where I can hone passably and my shaves are going well, I'm really interested in this topic.

    I'm mindful of all the questions such as over-honing, no honing enough, how does one refresh a blade, how often, etc.?

    I don't use paddle strops or pastes, I prefer to rely on my trusty coticule. My question is: if a blade is in need of refreshing (say after 6-8 shaves), and I want to use hones as opposed to pasted strops, what sort of treatment should I be giving the blade?

    - Do I use just the coticule? If so, how many strokes?
    - Or should I use Norton 8k and coticule? Again, what kind of progression?
    - Or should I use a very small pyramid on Norton 4k/8k and finish off on coticule? E.g. 1/3, 1/3, 1/5, coticule?

    Any pointers gratefully received!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    I usually suggest using the minimum needed to get it sharp again whether using pasted strops or stones.
    I tell my customers to try 8 to 10 passes on the 0.5, strop normally and try a shave. If not enough, go maybe 5 to 10 on the 1.0, then the 0.5 and try again.
    Each razor and face is different.

    I think each user has a different tolerance for sharpness and what shaves for them. Some guys cannot use anything less than a perfect edge and may refresh every 5 to 6 shaves. Given that maybe the 0.5 alone will keep them going fine. Other seeem to go months on a single honing or pasted stropping but once dull they may need to start around the 3.0 micron side of the paddle or on the 8K side of the Norton.

    In one case it's "keeping the razor sharp", in the other its 'sharpening the razor"

    Your milage may vary and I have razors that resond differently with each method. Soime I need to ework on every week, other I can't even rememebr whan I last honed them.

    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

  5. #5
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    I'm definitely in the first group. 5 shaves and I do about 10 passes on the 0.5. My stubble is at least average but my face is ultra-sensitive. I get razor burn without even shaving lol.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    I'm definitely in the first group. 5 shaves and I do about 10 passes on the 0.5. My stubble is at least average but my face is ultra-sensitive. I get razor burn without even shaving lol.
    Same here. Very sensitive face (That'll be fine, Justin ) and easily prone to irritation. I'm still experimenting though as to how long I'll go before touching up the razor.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Kentriv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post

    - Do I use just the coticule? If so, how many strokes?
    - Or should I use Norton 8k and coticule? Again, what kind of progression?
    - Or should I use a very small pyramid on Norton 4k/8k and finish off on coticule? E.g. 1/3, 1/3, 1/5, coticule?
    Though limited, my experience that you can easily refresh a razor on just the coticule. Heck, Alex uses only a coticule for all his honing. I usually don't count passes on a coticule since it is a pretty sow cutter, and razors respond differently to it. I just do the thumb pad test until it grabs my thumb just the right and then go for a shave test.


  8. #8
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    I have to do something because at this time I'm refreshing every two shaves using Chromium Oxide

  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well heck, who's the guy who says he's been shaving with the same blade for a year and never has had to do any sharpening? Maybe he'll chime in here.

    I think it all depends on how well honed your razor is and the quality of the razor and your beard and your technique and what you think sharp and comfortable is. There is no magic number. For me I find with most razors I can get 10-15 shaves before I need to touchup on the coticule which usually means about 60 passes. With a stainless blade I get a few more shaves. With my maestro blade I got about 25 shaves before it started to deteriorate and at 30 it was time for a honing. With my TI Damascus I've gotten over 50 shaves and its still going strong.
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