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Thread: Frequency of honing?

  1. #1
    Senior Member RedGladiator's Avatar
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    Default Frequency of honing?

    How often will I need to hone. TI c-135 steel, I shave everyday, medium beard thickness, will refresh with diamond .5 micron spray. Rough estimate please.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Can only say when the spray stops bringing it back to ready
    Or you start changing the geometry of the blade etc to make it right again
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    to shave another day.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    How long is a piece of string? Initially anything from a few weeks to months and months. Once you are proficient it could be a long time, esp if you are using pastes/sprays to maintain the edge. I have been using a razor for 3 or more months now 2 weeks out of 3 and occasionally touching it up with a pasted strop and it is still going well. I think a few passes on a finisher wouldn't go amiss soon but probably isn't necessary.
    I have read about experienced users keeping a razor good for 6 months or a year with pastes etc.
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  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Probably one of the most asked questions on SRP

    That and "What is the best __________" (insert product)

    Unfortunately we can only give answers based on our experiences and not yours

    But I can tell you whatever the amount of time is right now today for you is, it will be way longer next year at this time

  5. #5
    Senior Member RedGladiator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    How long is a piece of string? Initially anything from a few weeks to months and months. Once you are proficient it could be a long time, esp if you are using pastes/sprays to maintain the edge.
    I'm a beginner with zero stropping experience. Honing services cost £30-35 or $45 in UK, a brand new shave ready dovo costs £80. While I plan on honing myself in a few years if I'm going to hone more than 6 times a year I will just buy the hones and try to learn how to now.

  6. #6
    Senior Member RedGladiator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

    Unfortunately we can only give answers based on our experiences and not yours
    And in your experience? Time between your very first SR shave and when you needed to hone? I understand everyone is different and I'm not looking for an exact answer. More like 1-3, 3-6 or more in first year.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedGladiator View Post
    I'm a beginner with zero stropping experience. Honing services cost £30-35 or $45 in UK, a brand new shave ready dovo costs £80. While I plan on honing myself in a few years if I'm going to hone more than 6 times a year I will just buy the hones and try to learn how to now.
    I sent my first razor back after a month, but mainly for feedback on my edge care, i was told that I had done no harm.
    I would expect to refresh a razor used daily after 2-3 months. Though using a pasted strop as a regular maintenance tool that should be longer.
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  8. #8
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    As the other posters have said, the question is almost impossible to answer.

    Your chops are the only guide you need as to when you touch-up or hone a razor.

    For me, with my C135 TIs, I touch up on CrOx every seven shaves. Every twenty-eight shaves, it gets a refresh on a 12k Naniwa SuperStone.

    Once a year, I will reset the bevel and re-hone up.

    Do I need to do the maintenance that often ? Probably not

    However, I beleive in the little and often approach to manitenance, and I like honing

    For me (again), I have found my C135 TIs keep their edge longer than many of my other razors.

    Have fun

    Best regards

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  9. #9
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    I originally thought my razors needed to be honed often - then I got better at stropping. I have one razor going on 6 months and still strong. I'm betting I could make it go at least 8 if not more, and that's almost daily shaving on a tough beard.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedGladiator View Post
    I'm a beginner with zero stropping experience. Honing services cost £30-35 or $45 in UK, a brand new shave ready dovo costs £80. While I plan on honing myself in a few years if I'm going to hone more than 6 times a year I will just buy the hones and try to learn how to now.
    Unfortunately, learning straight razor shaving is all backwards. In the beginning, when your maintenance skills are the worst, you need those skills the most. After your shaving technique improves, your now improved maintenance skills are needed much less.

    Assuming that your stropping skills are good and the fact that your planning to refresh with paste when needed, my optimistic guess would be 2 to 4 re hones in the first year. A second razor is a really good thing to have and that would cut out one of the re hones assuming it came 'really shave ready'.

    My advice would be to put off buying stones at least until after your first professional re hone. By the time you need your second re hone you will have a better feel for how often you're going to need it and your shaving and stropping skills will have improved dramatically.
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