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Thread: a little piece of advice from shaving masters

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    I am not sure about the art of manliness razor, it doesn't say who makes it and from a resale Point of view i don't know how easy it would be to sell.
    Try looking at revisor they do some pretty interesting looking razors, though they only come factory honed so you may need to send it off for a proper honing.

    I would be inclined to look for one of the cheaper razors from the classifieds if you just want to get a feel for whether it is for you, and if you get a modular strop of some description you will be able to start with a basic leather to learn on and then get a nicer replacement piece later.
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  2. #22
    Senior Member JTmke's Avatar
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    I have ordered two from Revisor. Both could shave from the factory. Neither was perfect but it only took some stropping (balsa with crox, linen and leather) to get a fantastic, smooooth shaver out of them
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  3. #23
    Senior Member JTmke's Avatar
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    I would pass on the art of manliness MO. You can get nicer, better quality in vintage or better new brands

    Thiers issard
    Ralph Aust
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  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I have the Prima Klang in Bocote from SRD. I got it for the grind and look. Shaved with it last night. Shaves well, but is not my favorite. When SRD has it, it is the same price you quoted with 2 free honings.

    If I were you and was going to spend in the $200 neighborhood, I'd either go to the classifieds and snatch up the Paul Schulz that is there (if it still is) or I'd buy one of the Dovos or R. Austs from's the "shave ready" difference.
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  5. #25
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    In my EARLY stages of self-education, I also looked at the AoM blades. That was my starting point for info about shaving with a SR. They mention it themselves that the blades are by Grimm Blades. They also mention, at some point, that the blades & related gear are intended for folks that identify with the AoM creed or w/e, or people looking to get a macho gift for a loved one. I believe that was in a faq or something, in regards to the price/selection.
    Grimms are known for being "decent, but over priced for what they are". Ya know: kinda like most Sony consumer electronics .

    Myself: I'm bout to get me my first ever SR (with strop set) from SRD. Gonna be a simple Dovo 5/8 round point with a 3" strop.
    Last edited by Crawler; 02-06-2015 at 10:24 PM.
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  6. #26
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    Alright. Looks like everybody is advising against the art of manliness razor.
    Too bad, I loved the way it looked!
    I'm gonna keep looking. So far I love a few DOVOs.
    I'll keep an eye on the classified and SRD for a little bit.

  7. #27
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    In the long run it's not how it looks but how it shaves. My best razor, a plain looking, no name, average size razor has been in on and off again use (large rotation) for almost two years and has yet to show deterioration of the edge. Yet some of the razors, like a Red Imp, have been on the re freshening route a couple of times in the same time frame.
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  8. #28
    pcm is offline
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    I bought a Dovo, round point from SRD, and have been very happy with it. The shave ready aspect takes away the some of the additional things you have to learn. I'd also suggest a paddle or bench strop, as again, it helps in the learning process (it's helping me).

    As others have said, you'll probably want two blades, so that you can use one, while the other is being sharpened. Keep in mind, there are different sizes, styles, and grinds. My plan is to slowly acquire different types, to see what I like. I've found that I can get a good quality blade, without spending a lot (I too prefer to buy quality up front, versus junky stuff that needs replacement).

    It is very easy to find good quality blades in the classifieds, if you are patient. Some are basic, but functional, and some are fancy as well. Besides the $150 for the new Dovo and strop, I've gotten two vintage blades for $50-60 each.

    Have fun!


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  10. #29
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    thank you all for the responses!
    It seems like everyone is recommending 2 blades which got me thinking, might as well start with one of those all-inclusive sets from SRD or Classic Edge then later down the road spend a little more on a blade that I really like.
    So far I'm down to 2 DOVOs and 1 TI.
    _ Dovo Bismarck Pearl 6/8"
    _ Dovo Pearlex 5/8"
    _ TI le Dandy

    Any comments on any of those SR?
    Thanks a bunch!

  11. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I'd go with the 5/8 Dovo because I think the 5/8 traditional profile is easier as a starting razor, but either from SRD would be fine. The Classic Edge is also a class gang, but I've read less than happy comments about modern T-Is.
    Last edited by Haroldg48; 02-09-2015 at 03:23 AM.
    Just call me Harold
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