Quote Originally Posted by MisterMoo View Post
When I tried learning the thumb/idex no-wrist no-lift strop flip... phew. It seemed as difficult as learning how to tie my shoelaces in a bow when I was maybe four years old; it took about a week to sort it out. Glad I practiced with a butterknife - have yet to wreck a strop beyond a drop of rubber cement (and that has been a while). Result is a consistent, precise movement with very light blade contact. I honor the men who can lift, flip and continue to march with the same good resuts.

I yam followink method of hibudgl, as thees eez right method straight razor stroppink:

That video was very helpful. I played around with his technique yesterday and found the grip he suggested very easy. I also never considered stropping from the side as he did. I really like that. I found it much easier to get a smooth consistent motion going sideways instead of up and down.