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Thread: Forever a Beginner?

  1. #11
    Boker Fan wayne394's Avatar
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    RRae, do you have a desire to be a senior honemeister or an authority on all things shaving? If you don't, then don't feel any pressure to do anything you don't want to! Just enjoy your SR shaving journey. There's no pressure here!

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    I've been str8ing since 1988 at 17 yrs. Old didn't know any thing then and not much more till just last December. All I had was a ugly vintage Torrey,1000.220 stone from grandpa and a wore out leather belt and very little knowledge how to use it. But since the web and this incredible site I now have the knowledge that I should have for the yrs. I've been str8ing
    Grazor, RoobtheLoob and kkwk like this.

  3. #13
    Member RRae's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the encouraging and thoughtful responses. I'm grateful to be a part of a supportive group of people. Especially after reading outbacks story. If this site wasn't around I would have bought a gold dollar razor like I was planning and that was going to be it. No strop. Luckily I ran across SRP and did my research. Finally got a good razor and a strop from SRD.

    I've come to the conclusion that in life and straight razor shaving. We should always keep learning that is how we grow. No label should define us. How I perceive and carry myself is what matters to me.

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