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Thread: cheap good quality str8 razor

  1. #21
    Senior Member Moosiker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randydance062449 View Post
    A razor lasts a lifetime. A wife lasts a lifetime. Would you marry a women you had never seen before?
    I believe there's a show on cable now following that very premise!

  2. #22
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    I have also heard positive feedback on WSP Gold Dollar 66's, not an owner but many people seem content with them, usually can find them inexpensively and therefore won't set you back too bad, made in China I believe, so I certainly wouldn't expect it to be on the same level as a Dovo or comparable manufacture, happy hunting!

  3. #23
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    I am curious, very curious. My curiosity has to to with the Gold Dollar and Titan (re-branded GD's) and all the excessive praising and touting of these so called miraculous razors that seem to defy the experts as to their use-ability. My curiosity is wondering where are the comments from all those lovers of the cheap (and useless) GD's after they realize what junk they brought? Are they red faced and ashamed that they did over believe the hype about those RSO's and feel their manhood would be in question if they admitted fallibility? Hey! We all make mistakes. As is said, "To err is human...". Confession is good for the soul. You have no idea how much trust you can engender with showing your humanity
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  4. #24
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    As I previously stated, I do not own one, but the OP was looking for a cheap and quality razor, I have heard some people are quite satisfied with them and they certainly don't make a razor that retails for less, just tossing my two cents out there as a possible option, I am certainly not an end all be all authority on the subject.

  5. #25
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 18WheelsOfSteel View Post
    As I previously stated, I do not own one, but the OP was looking for a cheap and quality razor, I have heard some people are quite satisfied with them and they certainly don't make a razor that retails for less, just tossing my two cents out there as a possible option, I am certainly not an end all be all authority on the subject.
    If he was looking for a cheap razor, that's what he would get.. Not a quality one. Even after hours of modifying and fixing the geometry on mine it still was sub par. It shaved but only okay. If the OP had never had another razor it may seem great to him. Mine did for me when I started but then after having a taste of the good life so to speak I never really wanted to use one again. My advice is wait it out until you have enough cash for a vintage or even a DOVO Best Quality. The classifieds on here most of the time have ones that aren't expensive. They would give you a better shave at only $20-$40 more. Is your face not worth the little and I mean little extra?

    A GD in my mind is like buying things from the dollar store. Sure they work and are cheap but they are not something the word quality is associated with. Think mass produced in China for 45 cents a piece.
    eddy79, Phrank and Crawler like this.

  6. #26
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Gentlemen newbies,

    Starting your straight razor experience on the cheap will result in a cheap experience. Any new venture has an initial cost. This is true in the straight razor world. It is the price you pay for one of life's pleasures.

    You need two things to start you off: a quality, and shave ready, straight razor, and a quality strop. No, no one says you need a Filarmonica razor and a Kanayama strop for starters; rather, quality abounds for a much lower price. Don't waste your money on so-called cheap stuff, or sight unseen razor packages. I don't know about you, but I prefer to see what I buy.

    In all likelihood, the Gold Dollar razor will give you cheap experience. Perhaps it is my perception, but almost all the Gold Dollar praise I have read seems to come from those who have little experience in straight razors. How do I know this? Well, there is such a thing as reading between the lines: the wording used, the descriptions of these "incredible" razors, and so on. I have also experienced the Gold Dollar. OY!

    If you don't have the funds right now, wait a while and then buy a reasonably priced quality razor and strop. Down the line, you will thank yourself. If you notice, many of us at SRP try to help newbies by giving them the soundest advice we can. It comes from experience. Yet if you are sold on that cheap razor, that sight unseen cheap razor, or that Gold Dollar wonder, then there isn't much else I can say.

  7. #27
    vhe is offline
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    What great information! I'm new to the forum and I love the honesty and knowledge of members on this forum. As a person who has never used a straight razor and limited in funds, I find the posts on straight razor place provide many ways to find what's best for our individual needs and wants.

  8. #28
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    I've gone both routes in my shaving journey -- my first razor was a Ralf Aust from SRD. It's a great, no-frills, solid shaver. I also bought a few sight-unseen razors from Whipped Dog. I was able to 'test drive' different types of razors for a relatively small outlay of cash. The thing I liked about Whipped Dog is I knew I was getting a truly shave ready razor for a low cost. The same could be said of the classifieds here as the sellers are putting their reputations on the line. Anything on eBay is buyer beware and most newbies don't have the experience to know what to avoid.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Papabear11's Avatar
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    To me i can't afford a new straight so buget wise whipped dog is to my opinion a good alternative. They are not beauty but they are shave ready. As for the after sale service it's more then perfect Larry is great to deal whit.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by randydance062449 View Post
    Would you marry a women you had never seen before?
    It's quite common, actually.

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