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Thread: Buy a kit or purchase individually?

  1. #1
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    Default Buy a kit or purchase individually?

    This will be my first purchase of a straight razor and ultimately my first time shaving with one. Just like the title says I'm curious as to which is better for a beginner. I like the convenience of the kit but if I could purchase items separately and have it be cheaper then that is what I would do. I have found one kit Browse Our Products for a Straight Razor Kit that doesn't seem bad but I would like to hear peoples opinions.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Wirm's Avatar
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    Check out the classified section on this site. A older vintage but restored razor is in my opinion your best value. And fine used strops are often available also. Old is quite often better than new.
    Razorrookie01 likes this.
    "It is easier keeping a razor honed than honing a razor."

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  4. #3
    Senior Member LexTac's Avatar
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    I originally bought a DE Kit. Knowing what I know now, I would have ordered individual components. The brush was crap, everything else was ok. Just keep in mind that you can get a good boar brush for $10 to $20, if you go the kit route. Assuming that you get the razor that you want.

  5. #4
    Boker Fan wayne394's Avatar
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    Looks like you have several difficult decisions to make. If I was in your position, I'd decide on which razor I want, which strop, which brush etc, then see if a bundled kit fits your needs. The bundle must suit you. Don't settle for what's in the bundle, otherwise you'll end up buying other items anyway. If a bundle doesn't fit your needs, then buy singularly. Good luck!

  6. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Usually with these kits you get one good item and the rest is ranging from so-so to garbage. Of course there are exceptions. You need to look closely at what you are getting.
    RezDog and Redcane like this.
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  7. #6
    Senior Member Razorrookie01's Avatar
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    Have you checked SRD good deals on the razor and Strop set but then again I already had most everything from DE shaving so...what all do you need?

  8. #7
    Senior Member Razorrookie01's Avatar
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    Check the kit at SRD upgrade to a 3" strop my set with the upgrades I Picked was under 160 plenty of room to buy soap mug and boar brush(brush included in my order cost ) and stay Under that cost

  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Don't go for a cheap set. and look at which razors NOT to buy. Brands of Straight Razors to Avoid - Straight Razor Place Library
    Razorrookie01 likes this.
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  10. #9
    Senior Member Razorrookie01's Avatar
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    +1 on 10pups....And make certain it is shave ready when you get it

  11. #10
    Member usakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wirm View Post
    Check out the classified section on this site. A older vintage but restored razor is in my opinion your best value. And fine used strops are often available also. Old is quite often better than new.
    this is a great way to go if you know what your looking for and what you want. i bought a cheap kit it had a str8 razor, strop, and brush, i ended up buying another razor and use a brush i had already as well as i'm currently looking for a new strop. so if you buy a kit make sure that it is a good kit.
    if you buy individually and have the money to do so when you get a strop buy a replacement piece of leather for your strop because if like me your new to stropping you will and i mean you WILL nick and cut you first strop.
    I'd recommend a 3" strop.
    if you want a good kit SRD has some great deals for razor and strop kits. Like LexTac said you can buy boar brushes for $10 or $20 dollars.
    Best thing you can do is decide what you want and go from there.
    Razorrookie01 likes this.

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