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Thread: Conquering a weird angle

  1. #1
    Junior Member mgoffin's Avatar
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    Default Conquering a weird angle

    My beard has a weird growing pattern coming up from my collar bone and sprouting like a tree. I also have a large Adam's Apple right where my beard decides to grow in several different directions. The hardest part for me is finding out the best way to hold and attack the hair growing on and to the sides of my Adam's Apple. The angle is basically 45 degrees towards my Adam's Apple to go ATG. I find it difficult to properly position my hands and the razor to get that angle and be flush with the taught skin.

    I should also note that I have a growing beard that goes from my cheek to basically an inch or so under my jaw line (down to where my problem area starts) so I'm trying not to shave off that hair in the process

    Anyone got any tips? Currently I just go perpendicular to the grain up and down as I handle WTG and ATG for the rest of my neck but it doesn't get very close.

    Thanks and here's a diagram to explain better (red circle is the problem area)!

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have a similar growth pattern. I reach more or less over my head and and place my finger on the corner of my jaw and pull back and up, at the same time tilting my head. That tightens the skin along and under my jaw line. I then take my razor and do a stroke on the under side of my jaw from ear to chin. Visibility is poor and a lot of faith is required. It is the only way I have found it to get the under side of my jaw clean. As for the under side near the point of my chin it comes clean with a well stretched against the grain stoke starting at my adams apple going up. Tilt my head forward, grasp the skin near my adams apple, tilt my head back, point my chin and go up with fairly short strokes and a very low blade angle. As I have gotten older the sides of my adams apple have gotten easier because I seem to have filled in a little. I hope I am making sense.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member mgoffin's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tips! I've tried tightening my skin on the sides of my Adam's Apple and i still have a concave section that the razor won't sit flat on. Maybe I just need to sit for a while and tug on my face in different directions until I find a good spot

  4. #4
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    Tug in different directions and test shave the area with a plastic knife so that you don't cut yourself. If you remove the lather cleanly, then a razor will too.
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  5. #5
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    Between a crevasse-like scar on my throat and a similar pattern as yours I have, over time, found that a sharp razor will work it's way neatly through some scary lookiing terrain. Over that stretch of throat I pull skin up, lift my head back and shave straight north and/or straight south on the next pass. Never a problem since overcoming the fear I'd slice my neck open; actually, it may be the only place I never nicked.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    My neck hair grows down and in on one side and up and out on the other. The stroke I use is kind of like a honing x stroke where as I move down I also move across. Be very careful using this stroke as if you get it wrong you will cut yourself.
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  7. #7
    Member usakiwi's Avatar
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    i use a scything motion starting under my jawline and ending under my chin the toe of the razor makes like a quarter cycle repeat on other side with other hand and you get a half cycle of clean skin from jawline to jawline
    stretching your skin is key here

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Swallow. Swallowing with stretching helps the skin lay flat. Then angle slightly from jaw line to center of base of neck.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    The angle my neck & chin/jaw take when I get that area reminds me of watching a turkey/ostrich/other long necked fowl drinking from a watering device that is low enough to reach, but higher than the normal height of their head naturally. Farmers would likely understand what I just said, the rest will probably have to YouTube it lol.

    Oh, and north to south, then south to north.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  10. #10
    Junior Member mgoffin's Avatar
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    I guess the main problem is more the hair to the sides of the Adam's Apple where going ATG is almost a 45 degree angle from my jaw line down towards my Adam's Apple. Going north/south isn't ATG, going east/west is pretty hard to do, so full ATG is basically an impossible angle to get. Swallowing doesn't help that area, nor does pulling on the skin because it's not that the skin isn't tight, it's that it's shaped like a "C" and trying to get a blade to fit that concave angle isn't working.

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