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Thread: Is there RAD Self Help Group?!?!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Lightbulb Is there RAD Self Help Group?!?!

    I started SR shaving last September and jumped in with both feet in January after being convinced I am not giving up the new joy of a really good shave.

    Since January, I have upgraded my Strop to a beautiful 3" SRD Latigo and now have 13 razors and only 1 buyer's regret as my passion overtook common sense(but I will certainly keep the nice wb fbu 8/8 a long time and perhaps replace the scales more to my liking once I get over the pain of impulse purchasing).

    It has been more than 25 years since I was addicted to collecting anything(at that time it was when the Baseball Card market exploded....sure wish I would have dumped those when they were worth something!).

    It seems I spend more time cruising the bay & classifieds on different forums than I do any other online activity which has fully replaced my joy of playing Clash of Clans diligently(up to a full TH8 without paying real money to get it).

    As someone who prides themselves on never being addicted to any drug I ever tried(except women), how does one bridle the monster known as RAD and be a gentle observer of the beauty our passion provides with so many different and interesting styles/sizes of razors without going broke?!?!?!?!

    Pondering in Bavaria....good German beer in my hand.

    Your truly,
    An Ex-Pat Hillbilly from the backwoods of Kentucky

  2. #2
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    Maybe a few hours drive to the north west to Solingen will help!

    You've come to the wrong group to find help with RAD.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead - Charles Bukowski

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    i've slowed down a little myself after realizing i can only shave with one at a time. feel like i'm neglecting my children or something. Oh, did i mention i pulled the trigger on my first new TI this morning? thanks to whoever posted the link to the sale at Lehmans Hardware

  4. #4
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    As far as myself and many other members here will tell you there is no cure for RAD and the only treatment available is......Buy More Razors!

    I would not allow myself to become addicted and stopped collecting at 50+ razors..........
    "If You Knew Half of What I Forgot You Would Be An Idiot" - by DoughBoy68

  5. #5
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    I suspect it is just a matter of self-control.
    At least that is what I'm told..
    Seriously though, it will, as with most things, slow down eventually.
    For some that comes rather quickly, for others it will take a wee bit longer.
    Like for me..
    Last edited by Birnando; 04-02-2015 at 08:43 PM.
    rolodave likes this.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    Time is the only help.
    You will find what you like and SLIGHTLY slow down.

  7. #7
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    I guess its not just me then. I have spent roughly $600 in the last 3 weeks on this stuff! Started out buying a Muhle safety razor and travel sized art of shaving kit at a local store. Shaved twice with that set-up, and decided straight razor was what I'd really been after. So I bought a Dovo Best Quality online along with a col conk honing stone on a paddle and an Illinois 127 strop. Shaved once and couldn't get the neck or chin area at all, so I assumed the razors fault and set out "honing" on my little paddle hone. Then I found this forum and realized it wasn't the razors fault but my technique. But by then I was convinced I'd screwed up the edge of the Dovo with stropping/honing technique. Watched Lynn's videos (along with countless others) and decided I needed some real honing stones. So bought the Norton 220/1000, 4000/8000, and a naniwa 12k. Along with a POUND of crox crayon. In the meantime figured I better find another razor to "practice" on. So of course I bought an $18 Gold Dollar in NOT shave ready condition to prove to myself I could get it shave ready. Of course in shopping for the cheapie, I found some "steals" on eBay. So I bid on a couple, and won. Bid on another, and won, etc.

    Having all this hardware I can't just have a travel sized set of cream, after shave, etc. So got me some Mitchell's Wool Fat. Some Col. Conk Bay rum, and some Taylor Old bond Cream.

    And if my wife wasn't irritated with me enough, she found it almost unforgivable that for her birthday yesterday I took her to a restaurant that happened to be across the street from the only barber in my area that carries Proraso products. (Had to try out some after shave).

    I think I might be the guy that whoever wrote the article on the home page about "Capitalization" may have been talking about. Good news is, I'm about 12 shaves in and the chin and neck are starting to get easier. Making progress, need to quit spending money!
    Last edited by cube18; 04-02-2015 at 08:40 PM.

  8. #8
      Lynn's Avatar
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    There is indeed a 12 step program available for RAD. Only problem is that it doesn't work!!

    Have fun!

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    That's ONLY $200 a week. Look at it that way cube18.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It ebbs and floods like the tide. One day I'm content and the next I'm bidding. If I could figure out how to not buy razors I could patent the idea and have tons of money for razors...
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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