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Thread: Should the dog get whipped?

  1. #11
    Senior Member Papabear11's Avatar
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    I received another straight from Larry this time it's 5/8 round point and the razor shaves really good, the first that i received was a 9/16 flawed but shaves like a charm. To my opinion if you can afford a new straight go ahead and buy one but if your just like me( can't afford to buy new) Larry from Whipped dod is a great alternative. Is after sale service is more then perfect and it's a great guy to deal whit. The 2 razors came shaved ready and he really know how to hone a straight.

  2. #12
    Senior Member tom475's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 130Nav View Post

    Any advice on which should be the first? Seems like it's a draw between the Ralf Aust and the Dovo for beginners and they cost the same. I have a medium beard that I shave daily. I've also been wet shaving with a DE razor for about a year or so now if either of those things make a difference. Just trying to answer questions I've seen asked of my fellow newbs while seeking advice here.
    I bought the "starter kit" from SRD with the RA blade. It has been a great blade for me to start my learning curve with. I don't know about Dovo first hand, so I can not offer an intelligent opinion. I can say that my RA seems to be forgiving to me since I have not needed stitches for my face YET.

    Good luck on the adventure.
    Life's wisdoms: Cigars: Never trust air you can't see; sharp objects are never sharp enough; find what you love in life and give it everything you can!!

  3. #13
    Senior Member Razorrookie01's Avatar
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    I'll second the RA love mime its my first and so far only and it is extremely forgiving for a novice to handle best of luck and keep us posted

  4. #14
    Junior Member 130Nav's Avatar
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    I ended up going with the RA strop combo. 2 shaves into it now. Second shave was much better than the first. No problems with the sideburns or cheeks. I'm sure I'll have the neck figured out soon.

    The problem in running into though, and I'm sure I'm not the first nor am I the last, is the chin and upper/lower lip. I tend to snag it on those coarser hairs and feel like I'll cut myself if I try to go harder. I'm used to my Merkur 34C which weighs a lot and gravity does all the work for me. I also know it's not the blade since it's only had two shaves and I bought it from Lynn already honed. So it's gotta be my technique. Anyone else have this issue and if so how did you overcome it? Do I need to find a heavier blade or one that isn't a full hollow? Also my soap seems to dry out by the time I get there and I don't have the benefit of my sopping wet Merkur to keep everything moist. Is lathering as I go an answer? Thanks!

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papabear11 View Post
    I received another straight from Larry this time it's 5/8 round point and the razor shaves really good, the first that i received was a 9/16 flawed but shaves like a charm. To my opinion if you can afford a new straight go ahead and buy one but if your just like me( can't afford to buy new) Larry from Whipped dod is a great alternative. Is after sale service is more then perfect and it's a great guy to deal whit. The 2 razors came shaved ready and he really know how to hone a straight.
    Totally agree.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member Papabear11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papabear11 View Post
    I received another straight from Larry this time it's 5/8 round point and the razor shaves really good, the first that i received was a 9/16 flawed but shaves like a charm. To my opinion if you can afford a new straight go ahead and buy one but if your just like me( can't afford to buy new) Larry from Whipped dod is a great alternative. Is after sale service is more then perfect and it's a great guy to deal whit. The 2 razors came shaved ready and he really know how to hone a straight.
    Here's my straights from Whipped dog(Larry)

  7. #17
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    @130Nav: The chin and lower lip are troublesome for most. Really the trick to straight razor shaving is balancing the pressure against the skin (light) with the pressure to cut through the resistance from the whiskers, which becomes more difficult the coarser your whiskers are.

    I can recommend a few things that have helped me...
    1- Use your tongue to make your lower lip convex
    2- Use a buffing stroke
    3- Firm up the chin and upper lip with your facial muscles, like you're pursing your lips
    4- Stretch the chin skin by pulling down with your off hand
    5- Start by only going WTG until you're comfortable, then move to XTG (ear to nose), and lastly ATG only if you're super confident.
    6- Be very aware of blade angle

    And there's no shame in only lathering up portions of your face at a time or re-lathering if it's taking a while. Shave prep to soften the whiskers is another thing that really makes a difference.

    I hope that helps!
    Razorrookie01 likes this.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to coryschmidt For This Useful Post:

    130Nav (05-07-2015)

  9. #18
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    Looking back I wish I had waited to purchase my first straight. Don't get me wrong I love the razor Larry sent me but I would have liked to know what I was getting and have more control over the situation. I know you already decided but I figured I'd post for people in the future with the same question.

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