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Thread: Made it through my first straight shave today!

  1. #21
    Junior Member commonsenseman's Avatar
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    If you made it through with no cuts at all, I'd consider that a major success.

    My first straight shave wasn't quite that perfect, a few minor cuts. It only gets better!

  2. #22
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    The success of my first shave was due in no small part to reading and reading for months before I finally took the jump. So thanks again to this wonderful forum! It does indeed keep getting better. I just got through my 8th shave today and it's starting to get more comfortable. I've found that using no pressure is even more important than with a DE.

    The tricky spots that will take time to master are my neck just underneath the jaw line, the bulb of my chin, and my upper lip. I can't seen to get an even shave in those areas yet. But I stop when it starts to feel dicey, before I cut myself and just clean up with my DE. I figure it'll come with time.

  3. #23
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    So today I had a realization. Well maybe not so much a realization as a lot of the advice I have read started to sink in. Previous to today's shave I have been trying to do a two or three pass shave, ending with ATG. I think after today I will revise my approach to learning this new tool. I previously thought that as long as I dont cut myself up I may as well shave the same way I do with my DE, just with the straight instead. Meaning that I usually do a two-pass WTG & ATG shave that leaves me BBS nearly every time with my DE. I have done this with the straight for the first 7 or 8 shaves, but it hasn't always been comfortable or particularly close.

    My big revelation is that maybe I really should take a step back, stick to WTG & XTG and focus on getting an even shave. Then once my shaves are consistently even and irritation free, that would indicate my skill is improving sufficiently to try adding an ATG pass to get that extra closeness. The other reason I am thinking I should hold off on ATG for now is that it requires a very sharp and well kept blade, which may not be realistic until my stropping skill improves along with my shaving skill.

    I know this has been said probably a thousand times in this site but patience is really your best friend while learning to use a straight.

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Yep quit thinking you can master it in a few shaves , it'll take closer to a hundred shaves to really get smooth with a straight . It takes some practice to learn your face and to really get a feel for the razor technique that works for you.mand yes the strop is one of the most important aspects of keeping that blade perfect for the BBS shave, now another thing, I've been doing this for a couple years and I found out that I don't need a 3 pass shave everyday. Two is fine for most dYs , because I have learned to shave my face ,, slow down and keep it simple and one day you,ll have an ahhh haa moment and then BBS comes any time you want it. Tc
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  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guitarguy118 View Post
    4. There are definitely a few areas of my face that I need to figure out how to best hold the razor and attack. It's definitely different with a 3 in. long blade.
    I'm 6 weeks into my straight shave adventure and it will come. You'll find what works for you. Pluses you have is that it sounds like you learned lots of good lessons from DE shaving - angle of attack, proper lather, etc. These will serve you well. On your passes consider your angle difference for with, across and against the grain cheers! Name:  1431218527760.jpg
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    Yep quit thinking you can master it in a few shaves , it'll take closer to a hundred shaves to really get smooth with a straight . It takes some practice to learn your face and to really get a feel for the razor technique that works for you.mand yes the strop is one of the most important aspects of keeping that blade perfect for the BBS shave, now another thing, I've been doing this for a couple years and I found out that I don't need a 3 pass shave everyday. Two is fine for most dYs , because I have learned to shave my face ,, slow down and keep it simple and one day you,ll have an ahhh haa moment and then BBS comes any time you want it. Tc
    That's exactly where I am with DE shaving so I know that it's possible to get my face BBS in two passes. It's just a matter of practicing and developing the skill to accomplish it. And I'm hoping that by hanging around here some knowledge will rub off on me!
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  7. #27
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    Progress to something new only when you feel comfortable with it. I did touch ups with my old razor for about two weeks or so, before only using the straight. Didn't even start against the grain for maybe a month and then only on areas where it felt comfortable to do. Kept adding areas as it felt comfortable to do so.

    This really isn't a race, you will learn and feel comfortable with what you are doing as time goes on. Just enjoy the experiance, that's what this is all about.
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  8. #28
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    good to know about the lather and trying to figure out the beard pattern. i'll keep these tips in mind for the first time i shave.

  9. #29
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guitarguy118 View Post
    So today I had a realization. Well maybe not so much a realization as a lot of the advice I have read started to sink in. Previous to today's shave I have been trying to do a two or three pass shave, ending with ATG. I think after today I will revise my approach to learning this new tool. I previously thought that as long as I dont cut myself up I may as well shave the same way I do with my DE, just with the straight instead. Meaning that I usually do a two-pass WTG & ATG shave that leaves me BBS nearly every time with my DE. I have done this with the straight for the first 7 or 8 shaves, but it hasn't always been comfortable or particularly close.

    My big revelation is that maybe I really should take a step back, stick to WTG & XTG and focus on getting an even shave. Then once my shaves are consistently even and irritation free, that would indicate my skill is improving sufficiently to try adding an ATG pass to get that extra closeness. The other reason I am thinking I should hold off on ATG for now is that it requires a very sharp and well kept blade, which may not be realistic until my stropping skill improves along with my shaving skill.

    I know this has been said probably a thousand times in this site but patience is really your best friend while learning to use a straight.
    that was pretty much the same advice I got from a mentor early on, I had been shaving for a month or two, getting close but bloody uncomfortable shaves, his advice was to pull it back to one or two passes and be content with the results and just let time take care of the improvements. I still don't get perfect shaves most of the time but I also don't let it worry me, I only get cross if my shave was rough and I end up with weepers, cuts or irritation and these usually happen when I have been mucking around with my razor maintenence routine.
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  10. #30
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    Default Breakthrough Shave This Morning

    I'm not quite sure what I did differently this morning, but I a very nice DFS and absolutely zero irritation. The aftershave didn't burn at all, and hours later its the closest and most even straight shave I've managed yet. I did a WTG and an XTG pass and I'm shocked at the results.

    I think it's all starting to come together; proper stropping technique, blade angles, shaving technique, and getting a hang of the tough spots on my face. Very excited!

    I guess the whole "practice and time" stuff is really true after all.
    Lynn and MisterMoo like this.

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