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Thread: should I start off with a safety razor?

  1. #1
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    Default should I start off with a safety razor?

    According to the Art Of Manliness website, I should start off using a safety razor then move on to a straight razor. I honestly don't feel like spending an additional 50 bucks for a safety razor unless I really have to. Do I have to use a safety razor first? Or can I just start with a straight razor?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Hi Lozoman. Welcome to SRP.
    The answer to your question is entirely up to you. You don't have to spend a huge amount on a safety razor you can buy them for a lot less than fifty bucks.
    If you start with a safety this means you can concentrate on face prep and building a good lather without worrying about straight razor maintenance.
    Me personally id buy a straight right from the go, look in the classified section; loads of shave ready razors to be had for a great price.
    The best advice I can give for someone just starting is read everything in the SRP library. This tells you everything you will ever need to know about using and caring for a straight razor.

    Good luck
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  3. #3
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    A double edge safety razor (DE) is a very useful thing to have. A lot of straight razors use them while learning the straight - say do a cheek with the straight, and finish off with the DE, until their skills have built up.

    You can pick up a vintage DE razor for a quite reasonable price : certainly much less than 50 USD.

    The DEs are also very handy for when you need a speedy shave, or when travelling.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. I would also skip the safety razor. Most of us start by going right into shaving with a straight from using cartridges. As said check out the library and beginner's section and do plenty of reading. The search is also very useful for finding info. Good luck and any questions don't hesitate to ask.
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  5. #5
    Member Briwill99's Avatar
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    I started off with a micro touch DE and a vanderhagen starter set with soap, bowl, and shaving brush. I think it was about 30 bucks for everything. I learned how to lather and skin stretch while using the DE. Later I started incorporating the SR a little at a time using it more and more until I was able to use it exclusively through the entire shave.
    I still use a DE about 40% of my shaves depending on how much time I have to shave that morning.

  6. #6
    Senior Member JTmke's Avatar
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    You can start with whatever you wish. If the straight is calling make sure it's shave ready. The straight led me to DE, not the other way around. I shave with a straight almost everyday but on occasion it is quite nostalgic to pull out a fatboy or an aristocrat from bygone days of Gillette and get a very impressive shave.
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  7. #7
    Shave This Hart's Avatar
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    If you have been wet shaving with a disposable or cartridge then you don't need the safety. If not, then the safety is the best way to get a feeling for it without having to worry about the big nasty bare blade on your face. The directions your facial hair grows and the best angles to shave at is the most important thing to learn. Again, easier to learn that without having to learn how to handle the straight at the same time. You may find you're happy with and stick to the safety razor. I still use mine occasionally and have even bought a couple more after I started using straights.
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  8. #8
    I got this . . . Orville's Avatar
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    If you're that worried about the cost of a Safety Razor, you can send me a PM. I have a Merkur DE and some blades I could ship you.
    Last edited by Orville; 05-22-2015 at 02:16 PM. Reason: Potential T&C violation.

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  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Careful, you might want to keep that to PM,s, tc
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  12. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I usually tell people if they want to step up their shave to start with a brush and some good soap. Once they have moved that far they can choose a safety or a straight. Personally I find DE razors to be very scary things. I for for the straight right off the bat. Most of the people that I have converted to wet shaving have gone DE and never looked back. It is all about where your comforts lie. If you want a straight go for it, and skip what some feel is an un needed step.
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