Quote Originally Posted by DwarvenChef View Post
Yup her soaps are great, I'm still working my way through the samples I got... So many good ones... why is my wife glaring at me like that... Uh oh gotto go...
I just ordered a sample pack the other day. Fortunately (depending on ow you look at it) I'm single so there's nobody to hassle me about my newfound shaving obsession!

Actually, that's something I never understood...it seems a lot of guys here get flack from their better half over the whole shaving thing. It's been my experience so far that women appreciate kissing clean-shaved cheeks as opposed to scratchy stubble. Furthermore, it seems there is a lot of dissatisfaction about mens' lack of good grooming habits. You'd think that if a guy went through the trouble of getting the closest shave known to man, and took care of his face with nice smelling soaps and such, he'd be lauded for it rather than glowered at. My ex-girlfriend was always happy when I was freshly shaved.

Oh well, I'm young and obviously have a lot to learn about ladies...