From Bevel set to shave ready yes, as a touch up on a razor no. You will have a lot longer road to set a bevel on a 4K than if you had a 1K hone but it is not impossible. Only problem is one foul stroke and you will have to start all over, getting the experience to know if the stroke was foul is hard won. Only advice if you head down this road is to be patient and know the geometry of the razor you practice on because these two factors will effect your time on the stones. Rather get the 4/8 combo if this is your intention and send out the razor you want to practice on to a professional. Use the 8K edge to touch up your razors and if one gets stuffed up beyond your ability you can send it out and keep shaving with the second. Once you are competent with touch-ups move up to the 4K if the edge needs a bit harder work and then from there get a 1K stone to do a full bevel set on a fleabay razor. Of course I ignored all this advice and went straight for a full set 220/1K 4K/8K and learned the hard way (always an option).