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Thread: wedges?

  1. #1
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Default wedges?

    Perhaps this has been posted before, if it has, forgive me. I've been seeing guys on the board looking for wedges, and talking about having them. My question is this: are wedges any differant to shave with than hollow ground? I would assume (I know what you get when you assume...make an @ss of U and Me) that it's essentialy the same. So what's the difference? The reason I am asking, I've got an uncle whom I'm talking to about making me a custom razor, he makes knives as a hobby, but am not sure how he's set up for grinding.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    I think wegdes, or lewss hollowed grinds at least, do better on heavy, stiff beards. I have a few old heavy, "meat chopper" wedges I seldom used because of the bulk and size but recently discovered smaller, more modern wedges and love them.
    The past week I've been startiung my shave with a wedge for with the grain passes and a hollowed razor for against the grain.

    Mosdt wedges are not 100% wedge shaped but may show a very slight concave profile but are certainly far from most half or fully hollowed razors.

    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

  3. #3
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    Quote Originally Posted by freebird View Post
    The reason I am asking, I've got an uncle whom I'm talking to about making me a custom razor, he makes knives as a hobby, but am not sure how he's set up for grinding.
    Pure wedges with straight sides are annoying to hone because you have to remove so much metal. Even a little hollowing improves the situation dramatically - see if your uncle can do a quarter or an eighth hollow for you. Another thing to keep in mind is that wedges are *very* heavy for their size and this gets exponentially worse with size so don't ask for an 8/8 razor unless you're sure you really want one. 5/8 isn't too heavy, 6/8 is still manageable, but the 7/8 and 8/8 sizes are a handful.

  4. #4
    < Banned User > suzuki's Avatar
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    I agree with everything in the above two posts.

    I have a couple of full wedges and they are a pain to hone.

    There's also a big difference in weight - as mparker mentioned and I find 6/8 to be a great size.

    Wedges are incredibly stiff and don't flex at all - which is one of the reasons you can get wedge burn if you don't use a light touch.

    I really like heavier grinds (1/2 hollow and up), but do shave with a full hollow from time to time as well.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Good info here. The only thing I would add is while shaving with a wedge the experience is totally different. With a hollow you get alot of feedback from the razor. With a wedge you get none. It just plows through your beard. Its like the 18 wheeler of razors however they can if handled properly give a very comfortable and close shave.
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