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Thread: One ATG pass only?

  1. #1
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    Default One ATG pass only?

    Still new to wet shaving, but during my technique research I've got a question that I haven't seen an answer to. Given that the point of multiple passes is to reduce the beard length with each successive pass, if your beard grows slowly enough, is there a down side to doing just one ATG pass? Do previous passes have an effect on the hairs other than the obvious shortening?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Never thought about it but the only way to find out is to try it and see if it works for you.

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    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    I have heard of others with light growth or slow growth going straight to atg as it is still short or light enough that multiple passes may cause more irritation to the skin than jumping straight to atg. It's very much a YMMV thing and best to experiment and see what is best for you.
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  6. #4
    cau is offline
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    I've done it twice... when I thought I was in a hurry. Results were passable. I find now, when I'm in a rush, that I prefer to just skip the morning shave and catch it up that evening. I usually do a two pass shave, and I prefer enjoying the time vs the stress of a pressing deadline. Plus I don't cut myself when I'm in no hurry.

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    I don't do an ATG pass because they irritate my skin and aren't necessary for a visibly smooth one strokes my neck ATG to feel any stubble. I can't imagine doing just an ATG pass, but try it on just a part of your face and see what it is like. YMMV.

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    Well, had a go at it this morning. Bearing in mind that I'm still a beginner at this:

    * Sideburns down to jaw - No issues whatsoever, feels BBS and as good as I've been able to get with multiple passes. Looks like I'll be doing just one pass here from now on.
    * Chin - Not quite BBS but as good as I've managed to get it so far, although I needed a touch-up pass to get a couple of spots I missed the first time around. Think I can reduce this down to one pass as well.
    * Upper lip - A few nicks, but with that said the upper lip has always been my trouble spot, I've never gotten a blood free shave in that area yet. Hair is also coarsest there so I'll continue doing two passes, maybe revisit this when my technique improves.

    Now... what to do with this extra lather...

  9. #7
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    I tried it, but found that I get a better shave overall if I do a progression. I think the big difference is the extra passes clean up strays that get missed if you just go over an area one time.

  10. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    If you are talking about a straight razor I can't really add to what has been posted. If your talking about a safety razor I frequently do 1 pass ATG. I get a shave that I can 'call good', but I get a better shave doing 2 passes. I never do 3 passes. I get irritation if I do.

    I have never been able to go ATG on my upper lip with any razor, be it safety, or straight. YMMV.

    The only time I do the 1 pass ATG (with a DE or SE) is when I'm pressed for time. I like to enjoy the shave and try to plan ahead to where I'm not running late.
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  11. #9
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    If I've done a really good BBS shave the day before, then I can usually get away with just a one pass ATG shave. I tried just doing a single ATG pass shave with my normal DFS growth and kept nicking myself. It was like the longer hair was guiding the blade into my skin.

    It might work for you, but I'm not trying it again. Plus, I have no desire to really shorten my quiet time.
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  12. #10
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    You'll probably have to shave sooner after, your shave might not be as close as if you had done more than one pass. I don't think I'd do an ATG pass first on myself, as it would irritate my face too much.

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