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Thread: Thursday moring shave just plain horrible!

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    Default Thursday moring shave just plain horrible!

    I am just going to gripe a bit if that is alright. I got home from work all excited to try a new aftershave balm out. Silly on my part I skipped my normal pre shave ritual which is usually as follows, warm water, pre shave oil, steamed towel then lather up and get to gettin. I did not do the steam towel just splashed some warm water on my face along with pre shave oil, lather and go to it. What a horrible shave! It felt worse than the first time I used my SR and I did not even enjoy myself like usual. I learned, no more skipping any part of my normal ritual. I will either do it all or no shave that day. Has anyone else done this to themselves or am I the only one?? Thanks for letting me vent about my ignorance shave on all
    jfk742 and pathology101 like this.

  2. #2
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    Just chalk it up to "Lesson learned"......and move on!!!
    Man profits by his mistakes.....I'm betting you WON'T mess up your routine again anytime soon!!
    I learned long ago that there are THREE ways of doing things:
    The RIGHT way
    The WRONG way
    The NAVY way!

    Close shaves should SOOTHE ya....NOT SCARE ya!!

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to dasstraightguy For This Useful Post:

    ejmolitor37 (10-30-2015)

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yes. I have done that to myself in the sense that I have had an off shave day. It had nothing to do with with my pre shave routine as I have none other than splash my face with cold water, lather up and go. Everyone has an off day once in a while no matter what routine you use. Next shave will be better.

    ejmolitor37 likes this.
    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to BobH For This Useful Post:

    ejmolitor37 (10-30-2015)

  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dasstraightguy View Post
    Just chalk it up to "Lesson learned"......and move on!!!
    Man profits by his mistakes.....I'm betting you WON'T mess up your routine again anytime soon!!
    I learned long ago that there are THREE ways of doing things:
    The RIGHT way
    The WRONG way
    The NAVY way!

    Close shaves should SOOTHE ya....NOT SCARE ya!!
    LOL I like that, the RIGHT way, WRONG way and NAVY way. That is how things roll here at work too. Common sense is but a dream around this joint.

  7. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    With more experience with technique and a properly honed razor, you will find that you can make much more severe shortcuts and still get an adequate shave. When I need to do so, I can get such a shave done in less than 5 minutes, and that includes stropping, building lather, and post shave clean up. It's not ideal but it can be done.

    I see that you are in Iowa and only 3.5 hours from my house. If you ever feel the need to drive north, or if you want some help with honing, you are welcome to come to my house. With a little advanced notice I probably can get Randy to come down from St Paul as well.
    MJC, eddy79 and ejmolitor37 like this.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

    ejmolitor37 (11-03-2015)

  9. #6
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    After my ver first shave with a SR, which did not have very good face prep nor lathering techniques used, I made sure that I never cut corners on prep.

    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Yes. I have done that to myself in the sense that I have had an off shave day. It had nothing to do with with my pre shave routine as I have none other than splash my face with cold water, lather up and go. Everyone has an off day once in a while no matter what routine you use. Next shave will be better.

    I've done that many times with cartridges where it seems I've had a less than ideal shave, even for a cartridge. And I know I'll have them with the SR as time passes.
    ejmolitor37 likes this.

  10. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by donaldjr1969 View Post
    After my ver first shave with a SR, which did not have very good face prep nor lathering techniques used, I made sure that I never cut corners on prep.

    I've done that many times with cartridges where it seems I've had a less than ideal shave, even for a cartridge. And I know I'll have them with the SR as time passes.
    Only mentioned that I use a routine with no prepping to show that anyone can have an off day no matter the routine they use. People should use whatever routine works for them/they find necessary.

    Shaved without prepping for 40 years till I got on shaving forums a few years ago when I was learning to use a straight razor. Heard about prepping so tried various things, none of which improved my shave so I stopped doing it.

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    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  11. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default This is a test

    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I see that you are in Iowa and only 3.5 hours from my house. If you ever feel the need to drive north, or if you want some help with honing, you are welcome to come to my house. With a little advanced notice I probably can get Randy to come down from St Paul as well.
    EJ, This is almost an intelligence test. I say that 'cause getting together w/ Utopian or Randydance would be a powerful medicine for turning a learning curve into the rocket sled lane. If at all possible, you'll thank yourself for taking them up on the offer.
    MJC and ejmolitor37 like this.

  12. #9
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    The stars just were not lined up for you that day. I had a real bad shave day about a month ago. I put it on this site. I got over it..I almost thought about going back to DE shaving only. I must say my shaves have improved 200%. I now get a 3 pass shave in 45 min now. I can even go out in public with it.
    ejmolitor37 likes this.

  13. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    EJ, This is almost an intelligence test. I say that 'cause getting together w/ Utopian or Randydance would be a powerful medicine for turning a learning curve into the rocket sled lane. If at all possible, you'll thank yourself for taking them up on the offer.
    One of these days when I am not slammed with work and other duties I am going to plan a me trip and take them up on the offer. It is a very generous offer for sure to invite a total stranger to their home and share their knowledge. Very much appreciated as well. : D

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