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Thread: Getting better

  1. #1
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    Default Getting better

    Well, after 7 shaves, I can see an improvment in my technique and how my face feels after the shave. I am getting little to now razor burn as i have pretty much found what works to be the best lather consistency for MWF shave soap. The only warm areas are around my chin where I may have to do an extra pass or two for touch up. But even then, I only tend to get CCS on thos areas. Rather than scrape the daylights outta me, I will stop and use the cartridges on the areas to get close to DFS. I will just allow myself to get better.

    That said, I know I have some ways to go before I become a SR expert. Today I noticed an area of my cheeks was just around CCS when I am used to BBS on my cheeks. I learned that while skin stretching is very important, the direction makes a difference. The section just by my ears MUST have me stretch upwards to get BBS in that section where the rest of my cheeks can be stretched either up or down..'s all part of learning. Right now, I can easily get BBS on the cheeks and between CCS and DFS on the chin. Any areas that are CCS I will clean up with the cartridges at this point to get DFS while I learn better techniques. And yet, I do understand that due to the direction parts of my beard grow, I may never be able to get BBS on them with the SR (actually my Magic shavette) without going to a DE to clean thm up. But again, I look forward to increasing my skill through practice.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You will never be an expert. You will become comfortable and proficient but not an expert. You will continue to learn no matter how small the gain may be. After twenty years I still pick up little bits of information that improve my shave or honeing. Just take your time, keep an open mind and enjoy.
    BobH, RezDog, eddy79 and 3 others like this.

  3. #3
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    Good point. There will always be room for improvement. That said, when a year passes and I have kept up with improving my technique and learning, I will seem like an expert compared to now.

  4. #4
    Boker Fan wayne394's Avatar
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    What is an expert? How long do you have to do something before you or others would class you as an expert? No matter how much you know about any one particular subject, I can absolutely guarantee there is more information out there somewhere that you don't know. Maybe an expert is someone that knows a massive amount and is very proficient in a subject, but is always willing to accept that he/she does not know everything and still has a thirst to learn more?

    If you used the same razor, strop, cream and brush for a few years, and you consistently get great shaves, then maybe, just maybe, you could call yourself an expert with that combination. Change anything in your setup and that expert status reverts to learner again. Don't worry yourself about being an expert. Just concentrate on shaving to a standard that you are happy with. For me, constantly changing razors, creams, brushes etc, keeps this shaving hobby exciting and new. I think I could call myself a very enthusiastic amateur.
    Versus and donaldjr1969 like this.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by wayne394 View Post
    What is an expert? How long do you have to do something before you or others would class you as an expert? No matter how much you know about any one particular subject, I can absolutely guarantee there is more information out there somewhere that you don't know. Maybe an expert is someone that knows a massive amount and is very proficient in a subject, but is always willing to accept that he/she does not know everything and still has a thirst to learn more?

    If you used the same razor, strop, cream and brush for a few years, and you consistently get great shaves, then maybe, just maybe, you could call yourself an expert with that combination. Change anything in your setup and that expert status reverts to learner again. Don't worry yourself about being an expert. Just concentrate on shaving to a standard that you are happy with. For me, constantly changing razors, creams, brushes etc, keeps this shaving hobby exciting and new. I think I could call myself a very enthusiastic amateur.
    Very true, Wayne.

    By expert, I mean that I would consider myself such when I am able to achieve the goals I set for myself on a consistent, but not 100%, basis as I shave. So...what are those goals? An irritation free shave where I can consistently achieve DFS on my chin and BBS elsewhere with just the use of a SR without a cartridge or DE razor to clean up some spots. Again, I will not have 100% success in that. But it is my goal and I feel it is not an impossible goal to attain.

  6. #6
    Boker Fan wayne394's Avatar
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    A very achievable goal. Throw those cartridges in the bin! If you ain't got 'em, you can't use 'em! If you really need to use something other than a straight, then use a DE. Stick with it my friend!
    donaldjr1969 likes this.

  7. #7
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    Thanks, Wayne.

    With the skill needed with a SR over cartridges, I have been analyzing each shave after I am done to see what I did not like about it and what can I do better/different. For example, my comment about which direction to stretch my skin to see how smooth it gets with the same number of passes. And also, when I am done with each pass, one thing I found I can do better, both from reading the more experienced members and from thinking about it myself, is to completely rinse my face before lathering for the next pass. That way, I can better feel what I missed and if there are any areas that need a third pass as finding any areas missed completely.

    One thing that I remember seeing was "mapping your beard" to find out which way your beard grows. I have some areas where making an ATG pass would entail me going horizontally while one to two inches over, it will go vertically for an ATG pass. One area of the underside of my chin even has an ATG pass going diagonal! But due to the angle, it is hard to make the pass with my dominant hand. Funny thing is, sitting here at my PC, I can take my empty shavette and get a good feel for it, how to hold it, and even a good angle. But llook into a mirror and it messes me all up. So, what I plan to do is make that downward ATG pass with the empty shavette and lather...but with my back to the mirror.

    I still have my cartridges for those times when I will need to be in a hurry and need a 5 minute shave.

    But as I remarked before..the thought process put into SR shaving as well as how I feel with a good soap over that aerosol mass market crap makes me actually enjoy my shave.

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