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Thread: Hi

  1. #1
    Member zimbyzim's Avatar
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    Default Hi


    Figured it was time to stop lurking.
    New to Straight razors.
    Found one for a good deal at an antique store a while back and restored it(polished but didn't sharpen)
    Came up quite nicely as it had very minimal pitting.
    Recently I decided to sharpen it and give it a go( figured my Kitchen knife collection could do with some honing)
    Also picked up a Cadman and Son's Bengal for dirt cheap( which i'm still working on)
    After some Deliberation I ended up with a 1k/6k and a 3k/8k stone the 1/6k bieng of better quality( shun Brand)
    I also picked up a Frank strop
    and some strop paste
    After watching numerous videos I set about setting the bevel.
    Once this was done I moved to the 3k, 6k then 8k.
    From there I gave it a few go's on the canvas then 20 or so on the pasted strop
    It quite comfortably removed my leg hairs in the test zone.
    I then had a shower and lathered up with proraso.
    Sides of the face where fine, but as I progressed the razor started to pull very hard, to the point where it didn't cut and I had to finish with electric.
    Where do i start with finding the problem, I use short strokes and I believe my angle is correct.
    My beard did have a weeks growth and is very tough.
    Also I think the 3k/8k stone isn't great and believe the 8k isn't truly 8k as it feels courser than the 6k shun stone.
    I think I may need to get the razors professionally honed, is there anyone is Brisbane that does this?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP !!! Take it slow and progress as you feel comfortable in doing more shaving. Not a race. There are a lot of intro posts in the beginner's section will answer a lot of your questions and give you a lot of advice too.
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  3. #3
    Member zimbyzim's Avatar
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    Guess first step is making sure my razor is shave ready, i'm probably not going to be able to achieve this for a while so definitely need to get it sharpened.
    Are there any Australians here that provide a honing service?

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome from the west coast. There are a few guys over your way so a meet might help with your honing and shaving skills. Oz is in Sydney I believe and has very good reputation. Should be able to find him in the vendor services in the classifieds. Very few manage to get a decent edge by themselves for a while. Also check out the down under forum a drop a thread in there. It also contains a list of aussie vendors.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  5. #5
    Senior Member decraew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimbyzim View Post
    I think I may need to get the razors professionally honed, ...
    Errr ... yes. You should have done this before you started buying expensive stones. Seriously!
    But welcome in the club

  6. #6
    Member zimbyzim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by decraew View Post
    Errr ... yes. You should have done this before you started buying expensive stones. Seriously!
    But welcome in the club
    Not Overly that Expensive, and they were really bought for my kitchen knives as much as the razors.
    I'm also convinced alot of it is also due to poor shaving technique as the edge doesn't look too bad under the microscope.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Technique is going to be a huge part of shave comfort. Like you stated before, starting with a professionally honed edge will give you your best shave sarting out. As for others in your area you can always check out the international forums. Best of luck and welcome
    Last edited by Flatire67; 11-10-2015 at 02:59 PM.

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