Quote Originally Posted by Ilie View Post
Im a little bit sick but i can feel a sharp smell on the blade.... how do i remove it from the scales?
I consider buying another Dovo razor or filarmonica razor? I can put around 190€ for it with a strop, is it enough ?
There are generally two ways to get scales off a razor:

1) Particularly handy if you want to preserve the scales for use later: remove the pin on which the scales rotate, either by drilling it out, or filing off the peened part that holds the washer in place. Once one of the washers is free, remove the pin via the other side, and the scales will be detached.

2) if the scales are kaput, then it doesn't matter. You can CAREFULLY snap/cut/break them off any way you like.

Always remember that although it is not razor sharp, that blade will still be very, very capable of doing quite a bit of damage.

Whichever path you choose, do it soon. The longer the scales are in close proximity to the blade, the worse the damage will be. And if they do have cell rot, do not keep them - dispose of them immediately as the off-gassing will continue until they are completely degraded.

You can find all kinds of info on repairing, restoring, taking apart, and putting together razors here:
