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Thread: 50 Shaves of Grey

  1. #1
    Uzi is offline
    Atlas is Shrugging Uzi's Avatar
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    Default 50 Shaves of Grey

    OK. I'm actually past 50 SR shaves, but I just couldn't miss the opportunity to use that title. However, so far I've had about 4 weepers, 1 touch of razor burn on a sensitive neck area, and 1 minor cut on my lower lip caused by failure to keep a stiff lower lip. I also cut my thumb once, thinking I was placing it on the tang when it was really the blade -- idiot move there. Each of those events was an important lesson in SR shaving and cost only a few drops of blood. What once was hard is now routine. What was once impossible is now doable. WTG is now routine, XTG is much easier thanks to learning the scything stroke for some hard to deal with areas and ATG is still a challenge on some areas of my neck. Every day I learn a little something new.

    The big lesson today was: Tabac + Geo. F. Trumper Spanish Leather aftershave is an awesome combination. BBS and smelling like a proper gentleman. Oh yeah.

  2. #2
    Senior Member kratos86's Avatar
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    nice title

    Quote Originally Posted by Uzi View Post
    The big lesson today was: Tabac + Geo. F. Trumper Spanish Leather aftershave is an awesome combination. BBS and smelling like a proper gentleman. Oh yeah.
    of course leather....and whip
    "Consider well the seed that gave your birth: you were not made to lives as brutes,but to following virtue and knoweledge"
    Dante's The Divine Comedy:Inferno XXVI.

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