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Thread: Considering Ralf Aust and buying razors w/ wood scales etiquette

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Why not get the Dovo honed properly and find out whether you really like straight razor shaving. I recommend you practice on what you have first before starting to spend a lot of money. Dovos are well made razors and perfect for starters. The Forestal is a fancy Dovo to boot.
    Last edited by Kees; 02-28-2016 at 10:30 AM.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  2. #2
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    Seeing that you are from Las Vegas you have a golden opportunity to talk this over with Maximillian who is located there also. This would be my suggestion.
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  3. #3
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Benz and Kees offer sound advice.

    Get the Dovo properly honed by Max and go from there.

    Apart from your personal preferences, the Aust razors are great shavers. Coming from SRD, Lynn will have them shave ready and wonderful on your skin.
    Sharp&Shiny and Geezer like this.
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  4. #4
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    Thank you for your advice. I figure that I would like straight razor shaving because I currently use a Parker shavette to shave. Before that I used a weck sextoblade. Even though I don't get bbs shaves from them, I figure the traditional straight razor would be better as I always hear they are smoother and cover more area. I will definately get my forestal honed. I just figured I would like a larger blade based on my shavettes and feel/look of my dovo. Also, I can't really talk to Maximillian in person because he lives in an area I don't have easy access to.
    Last edited by Ponypox; 02-28-2016 at 11:52 AM.

  5. #5
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    I have 3 Ralf Aust razors: 5/8 Round Pt w/Olivewood scales; 6/8 Spanish Pt w/Bocote scales and 6/8 french Pt, worked spine w/Black Horn with white streaks. All are expertly made, precision blade grinds. Topnotch fit and finish. All are great shavers but each has distinct features. My 5/8 Round Pt & 6/8 Spanish Point both fairly thin blades, almost Extra Hollow. The Spanish Point is not a square spike point but actually has a rounded tip for safer close shaving under nose, etc. The 6/8 French Point has a slightly rounded tip.

    IMO Ralf Aust delivers more excellent craftsmanship, quality and performance for the money than any other new razor brand name company. Their thin blade grinds are second to none, new or vintage razors.
    Geezer and rolodave like this.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Phoenix51's Avatar
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    Good call on the Aust razor. They are indeed one of, if not the best, production razors available. I have a couple and purchased one directly from Herr Aust and another from SRD.
    Both were exactly what I wanted and expected. That being said....

    The Superior Shave in Jacksonville, FL offers the exact service you are asking for. Jarrod photographs every razor he sells individually and you pick what you like. He also carries Boker razors which are right up there with Aust blades. Definitely worth a look.
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  7. #7
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    Default Considering Ralf Aust and buying razors w/ wood scales etiquette

    You can always contact Don at SRD and talk to him. He can order what you want form Aust or you can order directly through Aust. Ordering through SRD is easier though if you are in the states.

    Also agree with The poster that said TSS has some nice wood scaled NTS razors which are nice

    Wood scales on production razors are generally thicker than their plastic and horn counterparts. To get the thinness you desire you may have to do some work or have it done for you. Also you are limited in the type of wood that can use that is strong and flexible enough to go thin.
    Last edited by CrownCork; 02-28-2016 at 02:52 PM.

  8. #8
      Lynn's Avatar
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    If you are using a Shavette, you will need to re-learn to use the real straight razor. I usually recommend starting from the beginning shaving just from one sideburn to the jaw on that side and building from there.

    Have fun.
    Mrchick likes this.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Lynn For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (02-27-2017), hrfdez (07-15-2016)

  10. #9
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    Thanks for the suggestions. What is the opinion on worked spines like the snakewood one and stropping and honing? I would prefer.not to tape when strolling. Would that damage my strop?

  11. #10
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ponypox View Post
    Thanks for the suggestions. What is the opinion on worked spines like the snakewood one and stropping and honing? I would prefer.not to tape when strolling. Would that damage my strop?

    Ok after this post and the PM I understand what you are asking

    Worked spine razors VERY rarely cause scratches on the strop,, Every now and then you will read about one that has a sharp edge from the file work left on there. It honestly take mere seconds of work with some high grit Sandpaper to smooth that off or if the razor is honed without tape it will smooth it right up also.. It is a rare occurrence in the first place, and a simple easy fix if it does occur

    There is no issue with a worked spine and honing, unless it is with the hands doing the honing

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