Just recently I went to Lee Valley to get the norton stone - while I was there - I got the green honing compound for $10.

Anyways - I have two dovo strops - on one of them I rubbed in the green compound. My intentions were to have one strop with compound and one without. My questions are - which I should have asked before doing:

- Is this an acceptable compound to use? If so - how often should I used it? Should I use it after the stone only? Or every 5-10 shaves?
- Is the dovo leather strop ok to do this - or should I have gotten a paddle instead? Did I ruin the strop or is it still usable?
- How much should I used - I covered the entire stropped with it?
- When stropping with the compound - do I go the same direction as a regular strop or do I go the way that I would when using a waterstone?

Thanks for any info