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Thread: New Dovo from SRD

  1. #1
    Senior Member AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Default New Dovo from SRD

    Yesterday I rec'd my Dovo 5/8 from SRD. Only having my Fathers straights, which are very old, I haven't a good example of how sharp a razor should be when properly honed and stropped. When my new razor arrived, I stropped it....40-50 times on canvas side, then 40-50 times on the bare leather side. Being 'new', I was very careful and deliberate during stropping. My wife was in the bathroom during this time, so I asked for one of her hairs to use to test the sharpness....hanging hair test. Unfortunately, it would not cut it with only the weight of the hair. It just bent the hair, not cutting it. I could get it to cut the hair, but I had to grasp it with fingers on both sides of the blade. When it cut it, it made a "tink" sound. I thought, maybe it's because she conditions her hair and it was 'softer.' This morning I shaved with it, using Paroso Green shaving soap. However, I was surprised that it didn't seem as sharp as what I thought it should be. It didn't really shave all that well. Even though I say I'm "new" to straights, my Father did show me how to use one several years ago and I did use one for awhile. Retiring it, due to time restraints in the mornings, due to "Life." I have always used a double edge, with great results (except when I used a disposable during my time in the Army) Being 46yrs old, I have a good grip on the direction of my hair growth. With a double edge, I was able to shave in two with and one against the grain, and not using shave soap of cream....just women's hair conditioner as the 'lubricant.' Never needing to go across. The results were always extremely close. My wife has always commented on how smooth and close my shaves were. This am, with my new Dovo, I did, however, start with, then across, then against the grain, for a total of three passes. Of course, lathering after each. However, the end result was not anywhere near as close as with the double edge. I know there is a learning curve to using as straight, just as with a double. After my shave, I stropped, again. This time, however, my wife was not available to steal a hair, so I used my own(which is not conditioned, as I only use shampoo). The hair cut, with only the weight of the hair, grasping on one side with my fingers. And it did not make the "tink" sounds when it cut. Now, is this because it is sharper? Or is it because my hair is not as pliable as her conditioned hair? Unfortunately, I won't know how it shaves until tomorrow!

  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    You made a couple of mistakes.

    You should not have stropped the razor.

    You should not have bothered with a hanging hair test.

    All you needed to do was to shave with it. That way you would have been able to assess the edge that existed before you did anything to it. Now that you have stropped it, carefully or not, you may have rolled the edge.

  3. #3
    Razorius Maximus hrfdez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    You made a couple of mistakes.

    You should not have stropped the razor.

    You should not have bothered with a hanging hair test.

    All you needed to do was to shave with it. That way you would have been able to assess the edge that existed before you did anything to it. Now that you have stropped it, carefully or not, you may have rolled the edge.
    I completely agree. Any razor received from SRD comes shave ready and it is a pleasure to shave with straight from the box. This is how I have learned what a well hone razor feels like.

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    Is only from reading, not personal experience, but I believe SRD changed that recommendation due to so many complaining about hht not passing due to oil on the blade. Believe stopping is now recommended. Hope someone better informed chimes in soon.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Awwww! I guess I have read Too Much. I 'thought' someplace I read that when buying a brand new "shave ready" razor, the only thing that was needed was an initial stropping (not honing) before use (which I always thought was redundant, because if it was "Shave Ready", why should something be done to it 'before' I used it?!?!) And, yes...hindsight, I DID re-read the description of the razor on SRD site, which reads, "When you receive the razor, all you need to do is wipe off the oil and it is ready to shave the first time without stropping. An initial stropping can also be done if you prefer." Although, this was about 5 mins ago!

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    I would say to check if your razor had indeed been stropped by SRD. I think they stopped stropping them a while ago although looking at the website some are said to be stropped,some not.

    Forget about the HHT for now, and yes, everyones hair is different and conditioned hair will perform different to the same hair not conditioned.

    Please read everything in the SRP library. Straight Razor Place Library - Straight Razor Place Library
    It will send you down the right path.

  7. #7
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I fully agree with both comment already made and would like to add this. I hone and some of my blades will cut the Hanging hair great and some not as good but both shave fine. it also makes a difference which end of the hair you are holding when trying to cut the hanging hair. Why i have not idea but it does. Before honing myself i had several razors honed by SRD and they all shave perfectly. After stropping and testing if the razor in question gives trouble send it back to SRD for the free honing they offer with the perchase of a straight razor. (I think they still offer that ) and when it comes back don't test strop just wipe the small amount of oil from the blade and lather up and shave. The shave test is really the only one that matters. Now this has been my 1 1/2 cents worth.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Ok so let's not forget that a shave test really depends on the experience of the guy shaving, I can shave test a razor, but a new guy may not be so able to test an edge other than the fact it is ready coming from SRD, then the stropping, it takes months before most can strop well, so that is a factor too.

    In the beginning had a couple of blades I thought weren't ready, after a few months of shaving I revisited them and somehow they got sharp! Technique has a lot to do with it, and only time will get you there, but having a shave ready razor makes the learning curve much easier. The HHT parlor trick, I got lots of razors that won't do it but their edges are lasers. It has to be calibrated for you to use, but shaving us the test, you will get there, but it takes quite a few shaves. Tc
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  9. #9
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    it also makes a difference which end of the hair you are holding when trying to cut the hanging hair. Why i have not idea but it does.
    This is why.

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    dinnermint and rhensley like this.

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    dinnermint (08-22-2016), rhensley (08-21-2016)

  11. #10
    Senior Member AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markbignosekelly View Post

    Please read everything in the SRP library. Straight Razor Place Library - Straight Razor Place Library
    It will send you down the right path.
    I have. I believe, I have read everything on this this 5 times! And I think that may have been my problem...I've read too many things, awaiting my new razor and my little pea-brain got corn-fused!

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