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  1. #1
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    Default First shave with brush and soap

    Hehe, first time shaved with brush and soap.

    What a nice feeling, never goo in a can again. Just have to find a bigger bowl for building lather. And change a bit my technique, first pass, wtg, 2nd xtg and a last one atg. Use to do 2 passes before, wtg and atg. Second time without any irritation in life, first time I put it on luck . Using a M3 money pit to shave and using cold water for time I shaved, found that I get less irritation with cold water instead of warm/hot.

    So thank you guys at str8 razor place

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Keep it up!

    I am not sure - did you say you are still using Crapp 3? Try a DE with that brush and soap, and you'll be even happier. Of course, a true straight has the potential to make you happiest, especially if / when used well


  3. #3
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    That is the same way I started my conversion to straights. It took about a month for me to get my first razor to shave ready (almost). So in that time I was still using the money pit M3. I was hooked on the brush and soap almost immediately
    I have sence than given all my M3 and goo in a can to my wife She can do with as she pleases. At least now I don't have to worry about her running out and using my stuff

  4. #4
    Senior Member tjiscooler's Avatar
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    I just shaved for the first time with a brush and soap too! I unfortunatly had to use the fusion intsead of my brand new straight ive been waiting to use. I had a job interview and thought it would be wise to avoid possible decapitation for the first impression, maybe ill get a chance next week...

  5. #5
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    I am waiting on my str8 to get shave ready. Firestart will make one of them shave ready, so I will have one that is well done so I can compare with other one I will try to hone myself, after lynn DVD tutorial. I was already using M3 money pit, so it is not like I ran out of the house to buy them. Can't wait to try with a str8 (will take my time while shaving tho, it isn't a race).

  6. #6
    Senior Member Firebox's Avatar
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    They don't call them 'cut throats' for nothing. Send me your best finds before you cut your face to ribbons. I'm here to save you from the RAD.

  7. #7
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebox View Post
    I'm here to save you from the RAD.
    But... I like my RAD

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