I knew it was bound to happen. Last night while we were lying in bad watching TV, she wanted to take another look at my brand spanking new straight razor. Keep in mind that I've never used it. I was watching the Stanford game, not paying attention to her. Suddenly she began shaving her legs with it. I tried to tell her that straight razor shaving was a process, not a spontaneous removal of hair. I showed her what I thought would be the proper angle for leg shaving. She made a few more passes. Then I took it from her, telling her that that blade still had factory packing oil on it, that should she cut herself, that packing oil might cause a serious infection. But I knew my intuition was right: she loves all things antique, and while she held it, I told her that her grandmother had assuredly learned to shave with a straight razor. Now all I have to do is to see if she would forego convenience of her beloved Fusion for the art of straight razor shaving.

BTW, she did tell me that after I learn to use it, she'd let me shave her legs with it. After she learns how to shave her legs with a straight razor, she might just return to practices of artists of yesteryear. She did ask about straight razor shaving her bikini line. I told her that she ought to have a professional straight razor shave it a few times before she tries it. But I'm not sure if there's a women's spa where we live that straight razor shaves women. She might have to find a woman who's willing to show her how to straight razor shave her bikini line.